Is it easy to install your own sprinkler system?

Installing your sprinkler system is doable if you’re willing and able to put in the work and time required to do it right. However, it is one of the more challenging projects a homeowner can take on themselves. Even experienced DIYers may need a plumber or electrician to complete certain aspects.

How deep should Lawn sprinkler pipes be buried?

The trenches will be relatively shallow, usually 6 to 12 inches deep, depending on your area’s freeze cycles and frost severity. The trench must also be deep enough to allow the sprinklers to retract underground to prevent breakage from lawn machines. Dig the trench by hand or rent a trencher (a real timesaver).

How many sprinkler heads can you put on a zone?

If your home’s water capacity was 10 GPM, you could place 3 heads per zone. Consult the Performance Charts on or inside the box your sprinkler head came in for your head’s exact performance data, or locate the performance data in the Support area of this website.

What size pipe should I use for irrigation?

The pipe that extends from your home’s water supply to the irrigation area is the main line. Holding the bulk of the water volume, this pipe size should range from 2 to 3 inches in diameter. You need this diameter so the water pressure is not significantly reduced before entering the garden.

What size pipe should I use for sprinkler system?

The sprinkler pipe size from the water supply source to a sprinkler shall be not less than 3/4 of an inch (20 mm) in diameter. Threaded adapter fittings at the point where sprinklers are attached to the piping shall be not less than 1/2 of an inch (15 mm) in diameter.

Which pipe is best for sprinkler system?

Many types of piping are available for irrigation systems, but PVC Schedule 40, Pressure-rated PVC, and black roll pipe are suitable for this use. Drain, waste and vent (DWV) PVC is not suitable due to a low pressure rating. Other piping types are either too expensive or too difficult to work with in the landscape.

How far apart do sprinklers need to be?

The distance between the sprinkler heads should not be more than 1 foot greater than the width of the planter. In other words, if the planter is 8 feet wide you would install half circle heads on both sides of the planter, not more than 9 feet apart from each other.

How can I make an inexpensive sprinkler system?

The trick to a DIY irrigation system on a budget? PVC clear vinyl tubing.

  1. It’s really cheap: roughly 13 cents per inch, with inexpensive plastic couplings.
  2. It’s really easy to use: snip it off, snap together.
  3. It’s really flexible: easy to replace (pop it off and cut a new line), easy to arrange and rearrange.