Is Inferno Tower good clash of clans?

This defensive structure, when set in single-target mode, is tailor-made to destroy high hitpoint troops, such as Dragons, P.E.K.K. As, and Golems. As such, it is a perfect complement to a Wizard Tower, which is very effective against large numbers of weaker troops but struggles against those with high health pools.

What is Inferno Tower in clash of clans?

The Inferno Tower is a defensive building unlocked at Town Hall level 10, that shoots a stream of flame that burn through even the thickest armor. It can be set to single-target or multi-target. In single-target mode, the Inferno Tower causes progressive damage to a single-target.

How many earthquakes does it take to destroy an inferno tower?

A loaded tower glows brightly with lava and flame, while an empty one is unlit, black stone. It takes 2 maxed Lightning Spells and one maxed Earthquake Spell to take down an initial level Inferno Tower.

What Inferno Tower mode is best?

The multi-targeting mode of the Inferno Tower is best against multiple low hit point targets, such as the very popular Bats Spell. In this mode, the Inferno Tower can attack up to five enemies at once, dealing less damage than in a single firing mode.

Should I upgrade my XBOW or Inferno Tower?

Honestly doesn’t matter. Inferno is heavier weight, and the nerf makes it relatively weak now, especially at levels lower than 5. Xbow would be probably the better choice, but low level infernos are only good as single target.

How do you use Inferno towers?

If an Inferno Tower survives a push with decent health to spare, you can place a Mortar or Princess at the bridge for an immediate attack. The opponent will most likely respond with a troop, which will then proceed to attack the Inferno Tower, only to be melted by it.

How much does it cost to upgrade Inferno Tower?

Inferno Tower Upgrade Cost and Upgrade Time in Clash of Clans

Inferno Tower level Upgrade Cost (gold) Upgrade Time
1 2,000,000 3 days
1 to 2 3,000,000 4 days
2 to 3 4,500,000 5 days
3 to 4 6,000,000 7 days

How much does it cost to upgrade an inferno tower to level 5?

Upgrading a level 4 Inferno Tower to level 5 will require 7,500,000 gold and the upgrade gets completed in 9 days.