Is Demonology Warlock good in Shadowlands?

With incredibly strong single-target damage and decent AoE cleave potential as well, Demonology Warlock stands out as an effective tool in both raids and Mythic+ dungeons. Here are the best talents and builds to use to get the most out of Demonology Warlock in Shadowlands.

Is Demonology Warlock viable?

Demonology Warlock Viability in the Current Patch While Demonology is a prime choice in Dungeons due to a combination of high AoE/single-target damage and good survivability, its Raid performance is subject to design encounter.

What pet should demonology warlocks use?

Demonology Warlocks get their own unique pet, Felguard. This is your choice of pet 90% of the time because it can stun and interrupt your target and choosing another pet is a BIG damage loss on cleave/aoe. The single target loss from picking another pet can be outweighed by its utility (see below).

What is the best spec for Warlock?

For a total beginner to the class, although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Affliction as the best Warlock leveling spec. Affliction is able to damage multiple mobs at a time thanks to its potent dots and Malefic Rapture and has the easiest time healing themselves with Drain Life.

Which Warlock specialization is best?

Is demonology good in classic?

Demonology offers a more defensive approach to leveling in Classic WoW, with many talents focused on increasing the survivability of both yourself and your demon, as well as talents focused on improving your quality of life with your demons, such as and .

When should I use implosion Demonology Warlock?

When Should I Cast Implosion?

  1. Implosion should become a part of the regular rotation whenever 2 or more targets are stacked together.
  2. Please notice that Implosion does slightly more damage than letting Wild Imps cast their 5 Firebolts onto a target; however, beside.