Is Cape Coral a good investment?

According to Zillow, Cape Coral’s median home value is currently at $227,500. Compared to the past year, the values have increased by 5.6%. Based on the real estate market prediction, the Cape Coral market will increase by 0.8% in 2019.

Are house prices dropping in Cape Coral Florida?

The trend for median days on market in Cape Coral, FL has gone down since last month, and slightly down since last year.

Is Cape Coral a buyers or sellers market?

Cape Coral is a Sellers Housing Market, which means prices tend to be higher and homes sell faster.

What is the best area to live in Cape Coral FL?

Southeast Cape Coral Also a winner for family living, Southeast Cape Coral was the first area to be developed in the 1950s and 60s and has some of the best boating access. The community is a wonderful mix of retirees and families. There are waterfront neighborhoods like Cornwallis, Beach Parkway, and Savona.

Are people moving to Cape Coral FL?

“In the last 12 months, 18 months, you’re starting to see more people moving here than before.” If the next several years are anything like the last two, Gunter anticipates 12,000-15,000 people moving to Cape Coral each year. With that growth, the city said it’s taking a proactive approach to planning for the future.

Does Cape Coral get hit by hurricanes?

Like many places, Cape Coral is seeing more intense rain events. It also faces a risk of more intense hurricanes in the future. Hurricane Irma in 2017 gave Cape Coral a glancing blow. The city also took hits from Hurricanes Charley in 2004 and Donna in 1960.

What is the hottest housing market in Florida?

Tampa, Florida
Tampa, Florida, was rated 2022’s hottest housing market by Zillow (Z, ZG), beating out other Florida cities as well as other major metros like Phoenix and Austin, Texas. The city outranked other markets due to its number of potential buyers, scarcity of homes, home sales, and flourishing job market.

What is Cape Coral miserable mile?

The Miserable Mile is a stretch of super busy waterway near Ft Myers with an incredibly narrow channel. Powerboats fly this way and that, wakes churn the water, and straying from the channel even a few feet means running aground.

Is Cape Coral up and coming?

Businesses and people are moving to Cape Coral Businesses and housing are booming in Southwest Florida’s largest city. More people are moving here and more businesses are opening up. Everywhere you look Cape Coral is growing and growing and growing.

What’s the average cost of living in Cape Coral Florida?

Cape Coral cost of living is 103.9

COST OF LIVING Cape Coral Florida
Grocery 105 102.8
Health 117.3 98
Housing 100.2 102.6
Median Home Cost $290,700 $294,900

Why is Cape Coral so empty?

Its low-lying swamps have been drained, thanks to an astonishing 400 miles of canals—the most of any city on earth—that serve not only as the city’s stormwater management system but also its defining real estate amenity.