Is a dragon snake real?

Xenodermus javanicus, also known as the Dragon Snake, Javan Tubercle Snake, Javan Mudsnake, or Rough-backed Litter Snake, is a small non-venomous, semi-fossorial snake species belonging to the monotypic genus Xenodermus.

How do you get snake dragon?


  1. It was released on 13 May 2016.
  2. It was available in the Jungle Island.
  3. It is permanently obtained once by completing the Noble collection of the Dragon Book.

Where is the dragon snake Found?

It is native to Thailand, Burma and Indonesia. It is not a prolific breeder, laying a clutch of two to four eggs a year. It is also known for its “stiff behavior” in which the snake will stiffen up, almost like a board, in any position when touched or picked up.

What does the diamond egg look like in dragon story?

The Diamond Dragon egg is pale yellow in color, and features a pale turquoise diamond atop blue ocean waves.

Do dragon snakes lay eggs?

Females lay a clutch per year with 2 to 4 eggs. The eggs are laid in the raining season from October to February. The dragon snake is listed as a “Least Concern” species in the IUCN Red List of threatened species.

How big is a dragon snake?

The Dragon Snake is a relatively small species, growing to a maximum length of around 2ft. They are generally grey in colour with a white belly. They have a slender body with a very long tail. The head is also very distinct and they have large black eyes.

How do you breed snake dragon in Dragon City?

The Snake Dragon is not breedable.

Can I own a dragon snake?

Dragon Snakes as Pets The Dragon Snake does not make a good pet. While these snakes are stunning and unique looking, they are very difficult to keep healthy in captivity. There are very few people who have successfully kept and bred them in captivity.

How much does a dragon snake cost?

Price/Cost A single dragon snake can be bought online for an average of $300. They are not too costly to keep. As long as you feed them properly, you won’t have to spend too much money maintaining them.

How long does it take to breed a rattlesnake Dragon Dragon City?

Rattlesnake Dragon

Rattlesnake Dragon
Breedable Breeding Time
Yes 9h
Hatching Time Hatch XP