How much will a 50 gallon still produce?

We make this 50 gallon heavy copper moonshine still to order. We have been making moonshine stills for generations. We have it perfected! This still is capable of producing over 10 gallons of shine per run.

What is the best still for making alcohol?

In fact, a stainless pot with a copper column, or a 100% stainless still packed with copper mesh, are both excellent options for producing spirits.

Why is copper better for a still?

Copper is the preferred material in the construction of a still to impart flavor into the distilled spirits. According to Broadslab Distillery, both stainless steel and copper are excellent conductors of heat: dispersing the heat evenly across the entire surface of the metal and creating a more even distillation.

Can you buy a still to make moonshine?

Federal law states that it is legal to own a still of any size. It doesn’t matter if an individual has a 1 gallon still or a 100 gallon still. According to federal law, it is legal to have a still for decoration, distilling water, distilling essential oils, etc.

Do you have to use copper for a moonshine still?

As I mentioned above, copper is a vital component when you’re distilling spirits. However, your entire still doesn’t have to be made out of copper in order to get the sulfur-eliminating benefits. You can go with a stainless steel still and also use copper in your column packing.

Can a still be made of aluminum?

Acids attack aluminum, which will eventually cause pitting and possibly pin holes. This will take a long time. Aluminum does not distill, so none of it will end up in your distillate. Its not an ideal material, you can’t solder to it well, etc.

What type of still is used for vodka?

Column stills
Because pot stills produce a more flavored distillate, they’re favored for producing spirits like single malt Scotch, Cognac, mezcal, and rhum agricole. Column stills, on the other hand, are preferred for neutral spirits, like gin and vodka, and are also often used in bourbon, brandy, and white rum distillation.

Can you use brass on a moonshine still?

Most brass fittings are not even safe for water use, which makes them even less safe for distilling use.

Why is it illegal to make moonshine?

Federal Excise Tax One reason that making your own hooch is illegal is that the federal government generally charges liquor producers $2.14 per 750 mL bottle of 80-proof liquor. Per gallon of 50% alcohol content liquor, the tax rounds out to about $13.50.