How much does 4 x 6 lumber cost?

AC2 4 x 6 #2 Critical Structural Green Pressure Treated Timber at Menards

Everyday Low Price $50.64
11% Mail-In Rebate Good Through 5/30/22 $5.57

What length do 4×6 come in?

Dimensional Lumber

Nominal Size Actual Size
2×12 1-1/2″ × 11-1/4″
4×4 3-1/2″ × 3-1/2″
4×6 3-1/2″ × 5-1/2″
6×6 5-1/2″ × 5-1/2″

Will Home Depot cut 4×6?

Most Home Depot stores also have a radial arm saw, which allows them to cut dimensional lumber, 1” and 2” thick to length. However, they don’t have the capacity to crosscut 4”x 4”s or larger lumber. Nor do they do any ripping of boards, even in the cases where they have a table saw available.

How much does a 4 x 6 x 12 cost?

Compare Similar Wood Deck Posts

current product
4 in. x 6 in. x 12 ft. Premium #2 and Better Douglas Fir Lumber Pressure-Treated Timber HF Brown Stain (Common: 6 in. x 6 in. x 8 ft.; Actual: 5.5 in. x 5.5 in. x 96 in.)
$4185 $3878
(77) (66)
Nominal Product Length (ft.) 12 ft 8 ft

Can you use pressure-treated wood indoors?

The simple answer is pressure-treated lumber can be used in any interior application except cutting boards and countertops. Some have also asked, after they’ve found pressure-treated lumber installed inside their homes, if there is any danger in having it indoors. The answer is no.

Can you stain pressure-treated wood?

Not only can you stain treated wood, painting and staining pressure-treated wood is actually good for your new deck. Although the treated wood doesn’t need to be protected against rot, staining it will help reduce surface cracking.

Does Home Depot cut wood for you?

Yes, Home Depot has a wood cutting area where they serve customers by cutting their wood to the size they need. Any of the wood that you purchase in-store will be cut for free in this area, however, they will not allow you to bring in your own wood from somewhere else.

What are common lumber sizes?

The most commonly used lumber, structural lumber, are the 2-foot x 4-foot and 4-foot x 4-foot boards used in everyday DIY and construction projects. Framing and structural lumber follows standard building dimensions (thickness and width).

How much does a 2x12x16 cost?

Lumber Prices

Pressure Treated Lumber
2x12x16 32 $29.80
4x4x8 48 $11.07
4x4x10 48 $13.40
4x4x12 48 $15.10

How much does a pressure treated 4×6 weight?

Table of Pressure-Treated Lumber Weights

Weight of Pressure-Treated Lumber
4 x 12 3.5 x 11.25 11.33
4 x 14 3.5 x 13.25 13.34
4 x 16 3.5 inch x 15.25 inch 15.35 lbs
6 x 6 5.5 x 5.5 8.69