How long is wicklander training?

Wicklander-Zulawski (WZ) and the Loss Prevention Academy have partnered to develop 10-hour, online, e-learning courses covering WZ’s proven methods of interviewing and interrogation for both loss prevention and HR/ER professionals.

What is a wicklander certification?

The term “Wicklander Certified” typically refers to the certificate attendees receive after completing the two day interview and interrogation seminar. “Wicklander Certified” or “WZ Certified” is a name the industry has attached to attending a WZ 2-day seminar.

How do you prepare for an investigative interview?

How to Conduct an Investigation Interview

  1. Always approach your interviews with an open mind.
  2. Prepare, prepare, prepare.
  3. Schedule a time and place to meet.
  4. Establish rapport.
  5. Practice confidentiality from the outset.
  6. Start simple.
  7. Progress to more complex questions.
  8. Ask about confusing points or contradictions.

How do you sharpen your investigative skills?

  1. 1) Control your biases. Good investigators understand what their biases are and work to control them while in investigation mode.
  2. 2) Take great care in what you label a fact.
  3. 3) Improve your interviewing skills.
  4. 4) Avoid moving prematurely to cause analysis.
  5. 5) Write more explicit recommendations.

How much does wicklander training cost?

Course Division Fee
Open Source Investigations – OSI.1, 2 & 3 Bundle Private $795.00
Open Source Investigations – OSI.1 Private $300.00
Open Source Investigations – OSI.2 Private $300.00
Open Source Investigations – OSI.2 & 3 Bundle Private $600.00

What is CFI designation?

The Certified Forensic Interviewer (CFI) designation, issued by International Association of Interviewers (IAI), indicates the certificate holder possesses the knowledge necessary to pass IAI’s rigorous examination.

How do I get WZ certified?

Attendees must be present for at least 90% of the seminar to receive a certificate. WZ offers post seminar exams for employers who wish to verify the information an attendee has learned and retained.

What is a CFI certification?

Corporate Finance Institute (CFI) is an online training and education platform for finance and investment professionals, providing courses and certifications in financial modeling, valuation, and other corporate finance topics.

What are the types of investigation?

Types of Investigations

  • Theft of Trade Secrets.
  • Workplace Violence.
  • Workers Compensation Claims.
  • Integrity Checks.
  • Security Evaluations.
  • Undercover Operatives.
  • Sexual Harassment.
  • Secret Shoppers.

What are the steps to an investigation?

A proper investigation must:

  1. Gather information.
  2. Search for and establish facts.
  3. Isolate essential contributing factors.
  4. Find root causes.
  5. Determine corrective actions.
  6. Implement corrective actions.

What are investigative skills?

Investigative skills are the abilities individuals use to gather data and generate conclusions to reveal important facts. These skills also help professionals examine a topic closely and discover items of importance that may not have been clearly apparent to those who lack this skill.

What are the essential qualities of a good investigator?

Here is a list of qualities found in a successful professional investigator:

  • Professionalism. This is a quality required for any career stream.
  • Integrity. One of the most important virtues of a professional investigator is integrity.
  • Persistence.
  • Self-driven.
  • Problem Solver.
  • Reliable.
  • Courage.