How do you make dinosaur excavation for kids?

How to Make a DIY Dinosaur Dig Kit

  1. Wolf Elective Adventure Digging in the Past 3B.
  2. Combine the corn starch and water together in a big bowl to make oobleck.
  3. Pour the oobleck into your container.
  4. Put your container outside for a day or two to dry.
  5. Gather up some dinosaur digging equipment.

How do you make a dinosaur excavation kit?


  1. 2 cups flour.
  2. ¾ cup water.
  3. 2 cups sand.
  4. Elmer’s White School Glue.
  5. Large bowl for mixing.
  6. Mixing spoon.
  7. Tiny dinosaurs, small toys, animal figurines, seashells (or sticks and stones from your backyard!)
  8. Amateur paleontology tools like: An old toothbrush. Cotton swabs. Paintbrushes. A magnifying glass. Craft sticks.

How do you make a dinosaur dig?


  1. Fill up a small plastic bin with Kinetic Beach Sand or regular Kinetic Sand.
  2. Next, bury dinosaur fossil skeletons and skulls in the sand.
  3. Invite your child to carefully excavate the fossils with a toothbrush.
  4. When all the fossils are removed and identified, rebury them and dig again!

How do you make your own dig it bar?

To make the bars, follow these steps:

  1. Mix 1 cup plaster of paris with 1 cup water. Stir to combine.
  2. Pour a small amount into 2 molds. Add in materials to dig.
  3. Pour another small amount on top.
  4. Let it sit for about 3 hours, or until it’s hard.
  5. Pop the bars out of the mold and set it on a tray with digging tools.

How can kids make a fossil?

How to Make Dinosaur Fossils

  1. Combine salt, flour, and water in a small bowl or dish.
  2. When the dough forms, pinch off small fistfuls to shape into flattened rounds, similar to the shape and size of a cookie.
  3. Repeat step 2 with each dinosaur.
  4. Bake at 200 degrees until your fossils are dry.

Where can I dig for dinosaurs?

10 best places to discover dinosaurs and fossils

  • Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry. Elmo, Utah.
  • Dinosaur Valley State Park. Glen Rose, Texas.
  • La Brea Tar Pits and Museum. Los Angeles.
  • Nash Dinosaur Track Site and Rock Shop.
  • Fossil Butte National Monument.
  • Petrified Forest National Park.
  • Mammoth Site at Hot Springs.
  • Dinosaur Ridge.

How do you dig for dinosaur fossils?

How to Discover a Dinosaur in 5 Easy Steps

  1. Figure out where to look.
  2. Geologic maps show rock types and ages in a given area.
  3. Topographical maps help you determine if an area is accessible (Hint: if it is covered with road, it isn’t).
  4. Pack the necessities.
  5. Find some leg bones.
  6. Get them home.
  7. Clean them up.
  8. Shortcut.

How do you make an excavation toy?