How do you get the good ending to Yes Man?

If you go with Yes Man and keep the Boomers, destroy the Khans and BoS, fully upgrade the securitrons and get all the casinos in your pocket then you’ll have a powerful army, increased trade, less chem trafficking (khans) and not many people willing to resist you.

What happens to yes man after New Vegas?

Similar to Victor, Yes Man’s personality is distributed across all securitrons. As a result, he cannot be killed permanently and will respawn upon leaving the Strip.

Which ending is the best FNV?

House would be the best ending for Vegas itself, but the NCR is the best ending for the whole of the Mojave, despite its corruption and taxes. The Legion would rule with an iron fist, and collapse as soon as Caesar dies. In the Independent ending there wouldn’t be much stability in the Mojave at all.

What is the canon ending of Fallout: New Vegas?

For Fallout: New Vegas, I used the same technique and found that the ‘canon’ end to New Vegas would be assisting the NCR to take Hover Dam and driving Ceaser’s Legion out of the area and annexing The Strip and the surrounding communities.

Which FNV ending is the best?

How do I get the Independent Vegas ending?

1 Answer

  1. Use the platinum chip to upgrade the securitrons.
  2. Repair Rhonda at Black Mountain (you can instead kill Tabitha- either is better than just freeing Raul)
  3. Complete Raul’s quest, Old School Ghoul.
  4. Don’t destroy the Brotherhood of Steel bunker.
  5. Kill all the fiend leaders.
  6. Do not stop Lily taking her medication.

Can I side with NCR and yes man?

So, is it possible to side with Yes Man and getting support from the Enclave as well? Yes, you can. You have to convince the Remnants to fight for the NCR, and then switch allegiance yourself. One of the Remnants will turn on you, but the rest will help you out even if you side with Yes Man or House.

What is the best ending in Fallout: New Vegas?