How do you cite a joint committee report?

Joint committees When citing reports of select committees of either House, or joint committees of both Houses, give the name of the committee, the title of the report in italics, and then in brackets HL or HC, the session and after a comma the paper number and volume number in roman numerals (if applicable).

How do you reference an MP?

You do not need to include the MP’s name in the reference. Simply refer to them directly in the preceding sentence. When referencing House of Lords debates the ‘HL Deb’ abbreviation is used. The date, volume and column number should be given.

How do you cite a parliamentary paper in APA?

The APA style guide does not give us specific guidelines on setting out references to Hansard (as it only covers US Law). References for British parliamentary debates should include the House (Commons, Lords) and session reference, together with volume and column numbers, and date.

What is a committee report?

Committee reports are one set of documents among the variety of document types produced by House and Senate committees that address legislative and other policy issues, investigations, and internal committee matters.

How do you reference a report?

Basic format to reference a report

  1. Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.
  2. Year.
  3. Title of report (In italics.
  4. Publisher information (if the author and the publisher are the same, omit the publisher)
  5. DOI or URL.
  6. The first line of each citation is left adjusted.

How do you cite a parliamentary committee report Harvard?

Year. Title. (House name abbreviated (ie HC or HL) series number, parliamentary session). Place of publication: Publisher.

How do you cite a government report UK?

Government/Official publications

  1. Name of government department or committee.
  2. Year of publication (in round brackets).
  3. Title (in italics).
  4. Place of publication: publisher.
  5. Series or paper number (in brackets) – if applicable.

How do I cite a government briefing paper?

Cite briefing papers, statements and fact sheets in the same way as articles, using single quotation marks for the title rather than italics: Author / ‘title’ / date of publication /URL / date most recently accessed.

How do you reference a parliamentary debate?

Cite debates in the Public Bill committees with the title of the Bill, followed by ‘Deb’, followed by the date and the column number(s). If the Bill title is very long, begin the citation with ‘PBC Deb’, followed by the Bill number in brackets, e.g. PBC Deb (Bill 99) 30 January 2007, cols 12–15.

How do I find committee reports on my House?

You can read the full text of recent committee and conference reports on govinfo (GPO),, or you may be able to order them from the Senate or House Document Rooms, find copies of them in a library, or purchase them from the Government Publishing Office.

How do you reference a government report?

References: Government Name, Name of Government Agency Year, Title (Report No. xxx [if available]), Publisher, Place of Publication. Government Name, Name of Government Agency Year, Title (Report No.