How do you catch a big surf perch?

If you just want to catch lots of perch, mussel and clam meat are great. The best bait to catch big barred surf perch is a hard plastic lure. Most of my success for the bigger models has come on the Lucky Craft FM 110. This is a hard plastic bait that mimics bait fish… and big barred surf perch really like baitfish.

What is the best time to fish for surf perch?

Although surfperch are available year-round, the most productive time to fish for them is in the spring and early summer when they school up along sandy shorelines for spawning. The best fishing often occurs on an incoming tide, especially an hour or two before high tide.

Are Barred surf perch good to eat?

Part of the family of perciform fishes (perch-like shape), it is mild in flavor with a soft texture. This fish is good for recipes that call for white fish, like tacos, soups, and sandwiches, although most cooks favor cooking it whole.

How do you catch barred perch?

Bait and Tackle: By far, the best bait for these perch are live sand crabs, which make up 90% of the diet of barred surfperch. Live sea worms, mussels and clams would be the next best baits but barreds are landed on just about every bait imaginable (and many regulars use nothing but plastic grubs).

What is the limit on surf perch in California?

20 fish
Surfperch. The recreational fishery for surfperch (family Embiotocidae) is open year-round. The daily bag and possession limit is 20 fish in combination of all species (except shiner perch), with not more than 10 fish of any one species.

Do surf perch eat squid?

Bait. Surf perch will strike a large number of baits. Here are some of my favorites: Squid.

What is the longest casting surf rod?

Surf Casting Rods start at around 11ft long and, like the Continental Surf Rods described above, can be as long as 16 ft. In general terms, the longer a rod is the further it will be capable of casting – in the right hands of course, and within the sinker weight range for which it was designed.