How do you announce a class reunion?

How To Announce A Class Reunion

  1. Via the Alumni Office.
  2. Websites like
  3. Newspapers, radio, other media.
  4. Email.
  5. Facebook group.
  6. Class reunion website.

How do you make an invitation to a class reunion?

Here are some wording ideas to consider:

  1. You are cordially invited to.
  2. It’s hard to believe it’s been 50 years.
  3. Please join your fellow Spartans for a night of.
  4. Please join us in celebrating the.
  5. With pride and joy, we invite you to join us for the.
  6. The graduating class of 2010.

How do you make a class reunion program?

Planning Steps:

  1. Form a Committee. Typically, the Class President forms and leads a planning committee.
  2. Sell Tickets! Once you book the space, start selling tickets immediately.
  3. Get the Word Out. Do your best to make sure that every one of your classmates knows the reunion is happening.
  4. Have Fun!

How do I write a letter of invitation for a class reunion?

How to Write a Class Reunion Letter

  1. Address the letter to either “fellow classmates” or “the class of (year) at (school).” This saves you the time of having to personalize each individual letter.
  2. Begin the letter with an anecdotal story about your class or a humorous sentence to draw the reader in.

How do you write an announcement?

Tips on How to Write an Announcement:

  1. Be direct and concise in your announcement.
  2. Write a short, friendly announcement that’s to the point when you’re sharing positive news.
  3. Recognize what others have achieved in your announcement, and motivate your reader to reach similar goals.

What to talk about at a reunion?

Conversation Starters for High School/College Reunion Attendees

  • “What’s going on these days?” — Politely vague.
  • “So how’s things?” — Pretty open-ended.
  • “I saw on facebook/instagram/whatever that you’re [insert major life event i.e. job change, marriage, child, etc.].

How do you invite people to alumni?

Dear Alumnus, We would be immensely delighted to invite to the Alumni Meet on (date and time). Let’s all catch up on the old times and walk down the memory lane. We would certainly want your continued and valued association with our esteemed institute.

How do I plan a small class reunion?


  1. STEP 1: Recruit Committee Members.
  2. STEP 2: Create A Website.
  3. STEP 3: Prepare Business Cards.
  4. STEP 4: Take A Trip To Your Old School.
  5. STEP 5: Prepare A Preliminary Budget.
  6. STEP 7: Reunion Administration.
  7. STEP 8: Getting The Word Out.
  8. STEP 9: Planning The Event.

Who is supposed to organize a class reunion?

Planning a high school reunion typically falls on the class president as well as class officers, but there’s no hard and fast rule that it has to be one of them. Perhaps the class president has moved far away or just has little interest in organizing the get-together.

How do you write a reunion message?

Write Your Letter Step-by-Step

  1. Write Your Letter Step-by-Step.
  2. State the specific dates, times and places for the reunion.
  3. Ask for specific information needed, such as filling out questionnaires, sending photographs, or supplying addresses of “lost” classmates.
  4. Explain how to make reservations and send payments.

How do you write a biography for a high school reunion?

How to Write a Biography for a Class Reunion

  1. Provide the Basics. Modern-day technology means your school’s alumni group can gather the information for your biography online.
  2. Think Way Back. Many biography forms ask you to share a few memories about your days as a student.
  3. Provide Post-Grad Updates.
  4. Tips for Success.

How do you start an exciting announcement?

Present your information in a plain and complete way, so your reader will understand you the first time (and not ask questions later). If the news you are announcing is bad, write it in a direct statement. Add a message of understanding and optimism to your announcement, in a respectful tone.