How do I get to level 7 in The Legend of Zelda?

8.1 Getting to Level 7 From the start screen, walk up a screen, left three screens, and up three screens. Tap the Armos statue that is on the top row in the middle to reveal the staircase. Purchase the Bait for 60 rupees. From the secret shop, go down two screens, left two screens, and up a screen to reach a pond.

How do you get to the dungeon in Zelda?

From the start screen, walk right a screen, up four screens, and then cross the bridge to the left. Enter the tree trunk to take on the first dungeon: The Eagle. At any point if you find that the enemies are giving you a hard time, there’s a potion shop nearby that you can go to.

Where is Level 8 in the original Zelda?

the eastern woods
Level 8, also known as “The Lion”, is the eighth dungeon in The Legend of Zelda. The entrance is found at the Dead End in the eastern woods and can be accessed only by burning a tree with the Blue Candle or the Red Candle. Its layout is roughly in the shape of a lion’s head.

Where is level 6 in The Legend of Zelda?

the Graveyard
Level 6, also known as “The Dragon”, is the sixth dungeon in The Legend of Zelda. It is located near the Graveyard, thus requiring Link to successfully pass through either the Lost Woods or Death Mountain in order to reach it. It is here that Link is first introduced to the magical enemy known as Wizzrobe.

How many levels are there in The Legend of Zelda?

nine Levels
There are nine Levels in total, respectively named Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and Level F. The first three Levels are unlocked from the start of the game, but every other Level must be unlocked by obtaining at least a Bronze Medal on the previous Level.

How do I get to the first dungeon?

The entrance to the Dungeon is located south of Mabe Village and north of Toronbo Shores. In order to open the gate and enter the Dungeon, Link needs to insert the Tail Key found in the Mysterious Woods into the Tale Keyhole which is located in the central Mini-Moldorm statue in front of the Tail Cave.

Where is Level 9 in the original Zelda?

Death Mountain
Location. Level 9 is found on Death Mountain, inside Spectacle Rock. Link must bomb the wall on the left rock to reveal the entrance.

What is the item of level 8 Zelda?

Level 8: The Lion is the eighth and penultimate Dungeon in The Legend of Zelda….Level 8: The Lion.

Enemies Bubble Darknut Gibdo Keese Pols Voice Stone Statue Zol
Items Book of Magic Magical Key
Rewards Heart Container Triforce Shard

Where is the 7th dungeon in The Legend of Zelda?

western Hyrule
Level 7, also known as “The Demon”, is the seventh dungeon in The Legend of Zelda. It is a particularly well-concealed dungeon, hidden beneath a fountain in western Hyrule which is guarded by a Moblin.