How do I get Gryffindor in 2020 Pottermore?

You log into Pottermore, answer a series of questions, and statistics get you sorted. If you don’t like to be sorted into Gryffindor, use a new email and log into Pottermore again. Give different answers to the same questions, and you’ll get Gryffindor again.

What Ilvermorny house is equivalent to Slytherin?

There is no equivalent or similar House to Slytherin in Ilvermorny. None of the Ilvermorny Houses value cunning or ambition, and none of the traits valued by the individual Ilvermorny Houses are traits specifically valued by Slytherin.

Why is the Ilvermorny quiz gone?

Rowling quickly received backlash for her work on Ilvermorny due to allegations of cultural appropriation and copyright infringement. While the Ilvermorny quiz stayed up for years following these allegations, it’s possible that these are reasons why the quiz was ultimately taken down.

Which Ilvermorny house is most like Ravenclaw?

Horned Serpent
Isolt often dreamed of being a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts, and Rowling notes that Horned Serpent attracts scholars, so this seems to be confirmation that it is the Ravenclaw house equivalent — albeit a little gentler than its counterpart.

What pet would a Slytherin have?

Slytherin goes the opposite way and flip-flops the numbers, with a majority of cat owners and low numbers of owl owners.

What would Hermione’s Ilvermorny house be?

3 Hermione Granger: Horned Serpent If there’s one sorting from this group that’s a no-brainer, it’s that Hermione belongs in Horned Serpent. At Hogwarts, she ended up in Gryffindor because, although she’s very smart, and values learning, she values bravery and standing up for others more.

Is Thunderbird a Gryffindor or Slytherin?

Thunderbird / Slytherin The Thunderbird represents the “soul,” and is said to favor “adventurers.”

Does Ilvermorny accept Muggle borns?

Or do they accept: Pure-blood, Half-blood, and muggle-born like Hogwarts? Ilvermorny most certainly does not accept only purebloods. Blood purity is fake and is a terrible way to look at life and the worth of individuals.

Where do Ilvermorny students get their wands?

Students get their wands a bit later on After finding out their house, Ilvermorny’s first years are shown into the hall where they acquire their wands.

What is the rarest Ilvermorny house?

Ravenclaw/Wampus: The Ravenclaw Wampus is the rarest of all sixteen combinations. Understandable as it is a paradoxical personality.

What is Ravenclaws motto?

Ravenclaw. “Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure”