How do I find my old pesco bill?

How to check PESCO Bill?

  1. Visit website.
  2. Enter 14 digit reference number.
  3. Now you will the latest bill amount with due date.
  4. Click on ‘View Full Bill’ to see complete bill or download copy of the bill.

How do I get a copy of my pesco bill?

You can get pesco duplicate bill at pesco -bill/ by entering 14 digit reference number.

How do I find my bill reference number?

Locate your reference number from your bill. It will be a 14 digit number, written in a box, usually located at the bottom corner of the bill.

How can I check my Pesco bill online CNIC?

There is no way to check it by name, or national identity card (NIC/CNIC). If you want to get your Pesco bijli bill by cnic, or meter number, you will have to visit the nearest customer services center where related staff can help you.

How do I find my Lesco reference number?

These numbers (Reference No. and Consumer ID) are printed on the top of your bill, see below image: Format of reference number is XX XXXXX XXXXXXXX, which include 14 digits and one alphabet. Same as customer ID have 7 digits and it only includes number into it.

How do I get my mepco bill without reference number?

Check MEPC Bill Paid or not without Reference Number by SMS

  2. You will receive an SMS within a few seconds with the latest MEPCO bill status.

How do I get a copy of my K electric bill?

To receive your e-bill every month via email, please fill out the form below.

  1. Technical. Queries. Click Here.
  2. Customer. Care Centres. Locate Your CCC.
  3. 8119. Register Now. For Mobile Service.
  4. Understand. Your KE Bill. Click here for details.

How I can check Lesco bill paid or not?

Just browse and then Navigate Check Bill Page or you can also write a search query in google like open and write in the search area as “Lesco Bill” and then choose on the first page of results and then on Lesco page just enter your Lesco Bill Reference No. And press enter to proceed.

What is Consumer ID in Lesco bill?

and Consumer ID) are printed on the top of your bill, see below image: Format of reference number is XX XXXXX XXXXXXXX, which include 14 digits and one alphabet. Same as customer ID have 7 digits and it only includes number into it.

What is cr in electricity bill in Pakistan?

CR (or credit) means you’ve paid for more energy than you’ve actually used. It happens if you use less energy than you’ve paid for – but remember, you may use more than usual over the winter months.