How do I filter data in SQL Profiler?

To filter events in a trace

  1. In the Trace Properties or Trace Template Properties dialog box, click the Events Selection tab. The Events Selection tab contains a grid control.
  2. Click Column Filters.
  3. To apply a filter, click the comparison operator, and type a value to use for the filter.
  4. Click OK.

Is SQL Server Profiler deprecated?

SQL Trace and SQL Server Profiler are deprecated. The Microsoft.

How do I view a query in SQL Profiler?

To use a SQL Trace template, follow these steps:

  1. Determine what version of SQL Server you have and double-click the link below to download the zip file of SQL templates.
  2. Within SQL Profiler, click on File | New Trace.
  3. Click RUN to start the trace and the SQL Profiler window will open and the trace is now running.

How do I analyze SQL Profiler results?

Find the target events.

  1. Open the trace file or table, and expand the node of the desired event class; for example, Deadlock Chain.
  2. Search through the trace data until you find the events for which you are looking (use the Find command on the Edit menu of SQL Server Profiler to help you find values in the trace).

How do I view stored procedure performance in SQL Profiler?


  1. Open SQL Server Profiler from the start menu or from SQL Management Studio (Tools menu) and log into the server and database when prompted.
  2. On the General tab:
  3. On the Events Selection tab:
  4. Once the configuration is complete, click the Run button to start the trace.

What can I use instead of SQL Profiler?

A new hope: The Extended Events (XE) XE will replace the SQL Profiler in the future versions. By the moment, SQL Server includes Profiler and XE. The XEs is a feature included in SQL Server 2008. It is a lighter option that consumes less resources than the Profiler.

How set SQL Profiler trace?

Creating a trace file is useful when troubleshooting database-related issue.

  1. Run the MS SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Go to Tools > SQL Server Profiler.
  3. Provide a name under Trace name.
  4. Use the “Standard (default)” template.
  5. Click Save to File.
  6. Provide the path and filename for the file to be saved.

How do you check stored procedure performance?

How to test performance of stored procedure in SQL Server

  1. Using SQL Server Profiler.
  2. Display Estimated Execution Plan.
  3. Using SQL Server Profiler.
  4. Using Transact-SQL.
  5. Verify while creating a stored procedure.
  6. Verify the execution of a stored procedure.

Is SQL Server Profiler is lightweight than extended events?

Profiler and Trace Light weight and uses very little system resources. Running profiler on the SQL Server will itself creates performance issues as it uses more system resource. Even SQL Trace uses more resource compared to XEvents. Helps to trace and track more events.

How do you trace the traffic hitting a SQL Server?

How do you trace the traffic hitting a SQL Server? Example: “You use SQL profiler to trace the traffic on the SQL Server instance. To narrow down the transactions that are captured, you can use a filter. The trace files can be searched, saved or even replayed to help with troubleshooting.”