How can I participate in Sports Authority of India?

Sports Authority of India (SAI) selects talent from all parts of India and develops them into competitive athletes….Process

  1. You can apply to a scheme in a simple three step process:
  2. Step 1 – Register on the site.
  3. Step 2 – Create a profile.
  4. Step 3 – Apply for a scheme.

Is Sports Authority of India Govt or private?

The Sports Authority of India (SAI) is the apex national sports body of India, established in 1982 by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of Government of India for the development of sports in India.

Who is the CEO of Sports Authority of India?

Commodore PK Garg
The Sports Authority of India (SAI) appointed Commodore PK Garg as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS) at the Mission Olympic Cell meeting held today.

How can I become a runner in India?

7 Remarkably Simple Ways to Become a Stronger Runner (and Maybe Even Enjoy It)

  1. Find a goal that really inspires you.
  2. Slow down.
  3. Take 180 steps every minute (90 per leg).
  4. Run trails.
  5. For runs over 45 minutes or an hour, you need to take in some nutrition.
  6. Alternate hard workouts with easy ones.
  7. Keep at it.

Who is who in Sai?


S. No Division Name of the Officer
2. O/o Secy., SAI Sh. Rohit Bhardwaj, Secretary, SAI Secretary, SAI secy-sai[at]gov[dot]in 011-24362571/72
Personnel Sh C Dhandapani, Deputy Director dhandapani[dot]c[at]gov[dot]in pers-cg-sai[at]gov[dot]in 011-24368390
Ms Seema Goel Deputy Director goel[dot]seema[at]gov[dot]in

How many Sai centers are there in India?

Presently there are 67 STC Centers in the country having a total strength of more than 4800 trainees.