How can I exfoliate my body naturally?


  1. Add brown sugar, coconut oil, and honey to a mixing bowl.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, and add more coconut oil if it’s too crumbly.
  3. Once you’ve reached the desired consistency, spoon your scrub into a container.

What can I use to exfoliate my body?

The most used mechanical exfoliation tools are abrasives like microfiber cloths, adhesive exfoliation sheets, scrubs, crepe paper, crushed apricot kernels or almond shells, sugar or salt crystals, pumice, and materials such as sponges, loofahs, and brushes, she explains.

What is a good homemade body scrub?

Firming Body Scrub

  • 1 cup brown or cane sugar.
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil.
  • 1 Tbsp of juniper berries blitzed in a clean coffee grinder.
  • 1 Tbsp of dried lavender from the farmer’s market.
  • 10-15 drops grapefruit essential oil (or the zest of a fresh grapefruit)

How do you make your own exfoliant?


  1. 1: In a bowl, mix together 1 cup coconut oil and 2 cups granulated sugar. Mix until a grainy paste forms.
  2. 2: Add 40-50 drops of your choice of essential oil.
  3. 3: Optional: Add 1 drop of food coloring to give it a little color.
  4. 4: Scoop contents into a Mason jar.

What can I use to exfoliate my legs?

Exfoliating the legs is a quick, easy way to get smooth, even-looking skin. You can use a loofah, towel, brush, exfoliating scrub, or chemical exfoliant. Always be careful not to over-exfoliate, as this can irritate your skin and potentially damage the skin barrier.

Which is better sugar or salt scrub?

Sugar doesn’t dry out the skin, so it’s a good option for people who have naturally dry skin. Salt has sharper edges than sugar, which means that these scrubs are more abrasive. If your skin is rough and needs to be smoothed, then you might consider salt instead of sugar.

How can I exfoliate my legs at home?

Honey sugar scrub

  1. Combine a 1/2 cup of brown sugar, 1/4 cup of coconut oil, and 2 tbsp. of honey.
  2. Apply the mixture to your legs in circular motions. It’s best to apply it in the shower to avoid getting honey on other surfaces.
  3. Rinse it off thoroughly, until you feel no stickiness.

Is sugar or salt scrub better?

Ultimately, when it comes to choosing between salt vs sugar scrubs, it’s all about you and your unique needs. If you want a product that will offer a gentler manner of exfoliation, go with sugar. However, if you wish to add detoxifying benefits, always opt for salt.

Can body scrub lighten skin?

Although lightening skin generally isn’t the typical reason for scrubbing or using a chemical exfoliant, the truth is that yes, it can lighten skin, and there’s plenty of evidence and reason to support this.

How do you exfoliate your pubic area naturally?

Baking soda helps to exfoliate and bring down inflammation in the skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 cup of water. Use a cotton ball to apply it to your skin, and then rinse with cold water….OTC remedies:

  1. Exfoliate with salicylic acid or glycolic acid.
  2. Use a benzoyl peroxide cream.
  3. Moisturize.