How big do blue king tetras get?
How big do blue king tetras get?
Blue tetras usually extend up to 1.6-inches. As adults, they can also grow up to 2-inches if they receive the proper level of care.
Are Blue King tetras aggressive?
This tetra is safe with most other peaceful fish, provided that there is plenty of space in the aquarium. It is extremely active, especially at feeding time, so it can be intimidating to slower-moving fish and it may nip at long-finned fish. This harassing behavior is much less likely in a larger aquarium.
How long do blue tetras live?
Blue Tetra Facts & Overview
Scientific name: | Knodus borki |
Life expectancy: | 2–4 years |
Color: | Blue, blue-green |
Diet: | Omnivore |
Temperament: | Lively, slightly aggressive |
What is the rarest type of tetra?
Black Phantom Tetra (Hyphessobrycon megalopterus) The black phantom tetra is a freshwater fish that looks entirely translucent when under bright light sources. They are really rare because the brighter the lights source, the more you will be able to see its translucent body.
What size tank do blue tetras need?
Blue tetras are an active species and should be kept in a large enough tank to swim around in comfortably. A school of blue tetras will require a tank that holds at least 25 gallons of water. A 50-gallon tank is an ideal option for a group of more than six blue tetras.
What are Glofish tetras?
Glofish are genetically engineered fishes. As the name depicts, they have brilliant fluorescent colors. They are nothing but glowing versions of the naturally occurring wild varieties like Zebra danios, Rainbow sharks, Tiger barbs, Bettas, and Black skirt tetras.
What is the most beautiful tetra?
1. Black Skirt Tetra. The Black Skirt Tetra is a beautiful species with dramatic fins. It’s most standout feature is its flowing anal fin, which inspired its name.
What is the biggest tetra?
Diamond Tetra – The diamond tetra is native to Venezuela and it gets its name from the golden reflection bouncing off its scales. These fish grow to 2 ½ inches long or more and they prefer to be kept with 6 or more of their own species.
What do tetras like in their tank?
They love tall plants like Ludwigia repens, Brazilian pennywort (also works as a floating plant), vallisneria, cabomba or Cryptocoryne wendtii. Neons also like floating plants like frogbit, dwarf water lettuce or red river floaters. They’ll swim around in the roots that hang down into the water column.
How many tetras should be kept together?
At least six neon tetras should be kept together in one tank. Neon tetras are a schooling species, so you should keep a minimum of six to ten neon tetras together in one tank. Neon tetras will feel uncomfortable, get stressed, and maybe even die if you keep too few of them together.
Can you mix GloFish and Tetra?
Tank Mates? You can keep them in a community tank with other active peaceful fish of similar size. Good choices include other Tetras, Rasboras, Danios, Zebra danios ,small Barbs and other GloFish.