Does still work?

The Internet Archive allows the public to upload and download digital material to its data cluster, but the bulk of its data is collected automatically by its web crawlers, which work to preserve as much of the public web as possible….Internet Archive.

Type of business 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Current status Active

What is Web archive org used for?

The Wayback Machine ( is a digital archive of the World Wide Web. Since its launch in 2001, over 452 billion pages have been added to the archive. Users can enter a URL to view and interact with past versions of any website contained in the Archive, even if the site no longer exists on the “live” web.

Is everything on archive org public domain?

The Internet Archive is an excellent source of public domain works and CC-licensed work. Make sure to check the record before you reuse any audio. You should see a CC license icon or a C with a line through it (the public domain mark).

Can I download from archive org?

To download, go to the DOWNLOAD OPTIONS section on the right side of a page. 2. Select your preferred Download Option and click on the download icon.

How can I download books from Internet Archive for free?

  1. Create an account.
  2. Click “Join waitlist” for the book you need.
  3. Wait for the “your book is ready to be borrowed” notification mail (might take a few days)
  4. Now “Borrow” link will be active.
  5. Click on “Borrow” so that you can see the Pdf download icon.
  6. Click on pdf icon and you ll be downloading a file named URLLink.acsm.

Is everything on public domain?

How do I find deleted sites on Google?

On a computer, open a site in classic Google Sites. Click Deleted sites. Next to your deleted site, click Restore site.