Do Alden and Sharon end up together?

The two had a good relationship for about one year. However, early on in the freshman year, Sharon grew insecure because she believed that Alden was uninterested in her. This insecurity ended up causing her to screw up their relationship, and Alden finally broke up with her.

Is Braceface a kids show?

A Realistic Teen Show Although a young kid can enjoy the show, Braceface has deep meaning towards teenagers. The show can handle very mature themes such as drugs, physical complex, relationships, first job, teenage celebrities and divorce beautifully, but also realistically.

What is Braceface name?

Braceface. The series’ title card featuring protagonist Sharon Spitz.

When did Braceface get Cancelled?

September 1, 2004Braceface / Final episode date

How many seasons of Braceface are there?

3Braceface / Number of seasons

What was the last episode of Braceface?

Leap of FaithBraceface / Final episode

How many Braceface episodes are there?

78Braceface / Number of episodes

How long does Sharon have her braces out for?

Sharon has her braces out for twenty-four hours. She is supposed to take care of Josh but she also has Maria, Brock and Alden come over. Because Sharon doesn’t do what Josh asks, Josh runs away from home.

What happened on Sharon’s first date with Alden?

Sharon’s first date with Alden turns into a disaster when she helps out at his family’s restaurant and then has her first period. S1, Ep9 21 Jul. 2001

What happened to Alden and Sharon in the Outsiders?

A blow to the head from a hockey puck makes Alden think that he and Sharon are still dating. Sharon and her friends play along until he comes to his senses, but Alden’s present girlfriend, Marlo, steps in and reminds Sharon that things won’t stay this way and Alden’s memory is gonna come back.

What happens to Sharon’s crush Alden in the hate you give?

Sharon’s crush, Alden, gets her a new job at a meat-packing plant, but her chances are jeopardized when she goes vegetarian in protest to the unsavory conditions at the plant. Sharon tries to help her big brother, Adam, with his love life by giving him a makeover.