Can you resize an animated GIF?

Ezgif’s online image resizer will resize, crop, or flip animated gifs and other images, with the same quality and speed as professional software, without the need to buy and install anything. Useful when you need to reduce GIF size or fit the image in specific dimensions.

How do I enlarge an animated GIF?

How to resize the animated GIF?

  1. Click the Browse… button to select the GIF.
  2. In the Resize GIF section, enter its new dimensions in the Width and Height fields. To change the GIF proportion, unselect the Lock aspect ratio option.
  3. Click the Save button to download the resized GIF.

How do I reduce the size of a GIF file?

To make your GIF as efficient as possible:

  1. Crop any extra space around the image.
  2. When you prepare a GIF image, reduce the output dimensions.
  3. Reduce the number of colors in the image.
  4. Reduce the number of frames in the image for animated GIFs.
  5. If you use Photoshop, create a GIF file by using the Export As menu item.

How do I make a GIF smaller without losing quality?

How can I compress GIFs without losing quality?

  1. Use Winzip. If you are looking for a way to compress your GIFs without losing quality, then we recommend using dedicated software, such as WinZip.
  2. Use the built-in compression feature.
  3. Reduce the number of colors.
  4. Use simple shapes.
  5. Use an online GIF compressor.

How do I resize a GIF in Windows?

In a few clicks, Paint can shrink a GIF and have it ready for you to post online.

  1. Start Paint and click the Paint button in the left corner of the screen.
  2. Click the “Select” button on the ribbon.
  3. Click the “Crop” button on the ribbon.
  4. Click the “Resize” button on the ribbon.

What is the maximum size of GIF File?

Uploads are limited to 100MB, although we recommend 8MB or less. Source video resolution should be 720p max, but we recommend you keep it at 480p.

Why are animated GIFs so large?

Unlike the original video file that you uploaded, a GIF image contains multiple frames – the longer the duration, the more frames. So your 2 seconds of video, could contain up to 20 or more images within a single GIF file.

Can GIF be compressed?

If you create a well designed GIF in Photoshop, Gifsicle can compress it a further two to five percent. If you start with a poorly optimised GIF, however, it can compress it a lot more.

How do I resize an animated gif in Windows 10?