Can you get a pimple on your labia?

Yes, a pimple can form on the external tissue (vulva and labia). It’s also known as vaginal acne. You may be surprised to find a pimple in this area. But it’s nothing to be concerned about.

Why am I getting boils on my labia?

There are a variety of conditions and factors that can cause vaginal boils. Boils can be caused by bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Chlamydia trachomatis. One skin condition that can cause vaginal boils is folliculitis, which occurs when bacteria infect a hair follicle.

What is a pimple like bump on the labia?

Hair follicle inflammation can lead to bumps near the base of pubic hair growth. The resulting red, pimple-like bumps are related to a condition known as folliculitis. These bumps may also be painful and itchy. Folliculitis may resolve on its own without treatment.

Should I be worried about a bump on my labia?

If you start noticing that the pimple-like-bumps around your genitals start getting worse or have pus coming out of them, or if they become painful, see a doctor or nurse — this might be a sign of an infection. Cysts: Cysts are soft, painless lumps that can show up around the opening of your vagina and on your labia.

How do you pop a boil on your pubic area?

Don’t open the boil by squeezing or popping it with a sharp object. This can cause the infection to spread even more. If a boil in your pubic area does not heal or open on its own, contact your health care provider. It may be necessary to lance (make a small cut in) the boil to allow it to drain.

How do I get rid of a lump on my labia?

Treatment options your doctor may recommend include:

  1. Sitz baths. Soaking in a tub filled with a few inches of warm water (sitz bath) several times a day for three or four days may help a small, infected cyst to rupture and drain on its own.
  2. Surgical drainage.
  3. Antibiotics.
  4. Marsupialization.