Can you choose your AFSC in the Air Force?

Air Force Jobs List: A List Of All 135 AFSC’s In The Air Force (2022) When enlisting in the Air Force, all new recruits are able to select a job, called Air Force Specialty Codes, or AFSC’s.

What is AFSC in the Navy?

While the Army and Marines use the Military Occupational Specialty Code (MOS) and the Air Force uses the Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC), the Navy uses ratings within the Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) system to organize its jobs.

What is the AFSC code for pilot?

(As of Sept. 30, 2020)

1U1 RPA pilot 79
1W0 Weather 3,012
1Z1 Pararescue 976
1Z2 Combat Control 676

What Air Force job travels the most?

13 Air Force jobs that provide the most travel

  1. In-flight refueling specialist. Also called an in-flight refueling technician, in-flight refueling specialists ensure that aircraft vehicles have enough gasoline while in the air.
  2. Loadmaster.
  3. Pilot.
  4. Flight operations specialist.
  5. Pararescue.
  6. Doctor.
  7. Legal.
  8. Band member.

Can you Palace Chase into a different AFSC?

Enlisted personnel who have retrained or who attended their initial technical training course of more than 10 academic days during the past 12 months may not enter the ARC under the PALACE CHASE program in a different AFSC from their current control or duty AFSC.

What is my military occupational code?

A United States military occupation code, or a military occupational specialty code (MOS code), is a nine-character code used in the United States Army and United States Marine Corps to identify a specific job. In the United States Air Force, a system of Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) is used.

What are the MOS in the Air Force?

General Information – Enlisted MOS Conversion List (Air Force)

USAF MOS Job Title Warrant MOS
1C4xx Tactical Air Control Party(TACP) 131A
1C5xx Command and Control Battle Management Operations 140A
1N10x1 Operations Intelligence 350F
1N2x1 Communication Signals Intelligence Production 170B 352N