Are there going to be new races in Shadowlands?

The last expansion, Shadowlands, didn’t include any allied races at all, making this new expansion an ideal time to add some more. Blizzard has plenty of possible new additions to pick from.

What are the new playable races in WoW?

Instead of being full-fledged new races with models and starting zones, these allied races are built off of pre-existing models in the game. The vulpera are built on goblins, nightborne and void elves are on night elves and blood elves, lightforged draenei are glittery draenei; the list goes on.

How do I unlock Shadowlands races?

To create an Allied Race character, you must first unlock them by completing an achievement and their respective recruitment quest chain. The quest chains to unlock the Allied Races from Legion require level 45+, while newer Allied Races require level 50+.

Will there be any more allied races?

The devs have stated they’re open to adding more allied races, but just not at launch of Shadowlands. Additionally, they’ve stated they’ll only add allied races if they’re relevant to the story or could be.

Will Sethrak ever be playable?

Sethrak Will Never Be Playable.

What can Zandalari trolls be?

Zandalari troll (playable)

  • Human.
  • Dwarf.
  • Night elf.
  • Gnome.
  • Draenei.
  • Worgen.

What allied races are expansion?

Allied races you can earn right now As of right now, there are 10 confirmed Allied Races, though Blizzard has said it’s open to the idea of adding new allied races in future content patches or expansions. The Horde will have access to the Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren, Mag’har orcs, Vulpera, and Zandalari trolls.

Are Nightborne night elves?

The nightborne are the night elves of Suramar who fought the Legion in the great War of the Ancients to defend their home and close a second demonic portal using the Eye of Aman’thul that would have overtaken and outflanked the resistance forces led by Kur’talos Ravencrest and Malfurion Stormrage to stop Queen Azshara.