Are there any endangered species in Alaska?

The State Endangered Species List currently includes two birds (Short-tailed Albatross and Eskimo Curlew) and three marine mammals (blue whale, humpback whale, and right whale).

What are the top ten endangered plants?

Endangered Plants

  • Croton alabamensis var.
  • Dalea reverchonii (Comanche Peak prairie clover)
  • Helianthus paradoxus (puzzle sunflower)
  • Quercus hinckleyi (Hinckley oak)
  • Salvia penstemonoides (big red sage)
  • Streptanthus bracteatus (bracted twistflower)
  • Styrax platanifolius ssp.
  • Zizania texana (Texas wildrice)

What plant is endangered?


Scientific Name Common Name Federal Listing Status
Asplenium scolopendrium var. americanum American hart’s-tongue fern Threatened
Asplenium unisorum No common name Endangered
Astelia waialealae Pa`iniu Endangered
Astragalus albens Cushenbury milk-vetch Endangered

What flower is almost extinct?

Rafflesia: This flower has leather-like petals and a scent that earned it the nickname of “corpse flower.” Raffelsia grows only in southeastern Asia, where it’s endangered due to the logging activity and land-clearing occurring in its habitat.

Why is the Aleutian shield fern endangered?

As with any endangered species, the Aleutian shield fern faces some threats to its continued existence. The main threat is the product of a quirk of history associated with Adak’s military past.

Why is the Aleutian wormwood endangered?

The reasons for the rarity of Aleutian shield fern are not understood and are probably associated with natural processes. Factors limiting the growth of the existing populations are not known.

What is the rarest plant ever?

The Rarest Plants On Earth

  • Suicide Palm.
  • Western Underground Orchid.
  • Golf Ball Cactus.
  • Venda Cycad.
  • Jellyfish Tree.
  • Poke-Me-Boy Tree.
  • Ascension Island Parsley Fern.
  • Coral Tree.

What plants are endangered species?

endangered species, any species that is at risk of extinction because of a sudden rapid decrease in its population or a loss of its critical habitat. Previously, any species of plant or animal that was threatened with extinction could be called an endangered species.

Is it illegal to dig up endangered plants?

It is prohibited to remove and reduce to possession or maliciously damage or destroy endangered plants on Federal lands. For private lands, it is illegal to collect, damage, or destroy endangered plants in violation of a state law including state criminal trespass law.

Is Cactus endangered?

Not extinctCactus / Extinction status