Are Kent and Masters and Thorowgood the same?

Kent and Masters, and Thorowgood are an extremely popular British manufacturer. Both brands are from the same family, and as such have similar model variances. The main difference between Kent and Masters Vs Thorowgood is the material the saddles are made from which also impacts the price of the saddles.

Is Thorowgood a good saddle?

The T8 is a great saddle for those who want a leather saddle on a synthetic saddle budget. One thing to note, is that Thorowgood and Kent and Masters are the same manufacturer. Their models are almost identical.

What is a T4 saddle?

T4 Compact GP This saddle is built on a slightly flatter tree, with compact, slimline panels that allow the rider to feel closer to the horse. A true to size seat, which does feel different to the Original GP, suiting petite riders or those with narrower hips.

How much does a Thorowgood T4 saddle weigh?

Luxurious suede-effect seat covering and knee pads are non-slip and really comfortable to ride on. The panels are flocked with 100% British wool and have a maximised bearing surface, while the short panel design enables this saddle to fit on short-backed ponies….Additional information.

Weight 6 kg
Manufacturer Thorowgood

Where are Thorowgood saddles made?

Thorowgood saddles are designed to fit different horse conformations including cob types, standard builds and high withered horses. Thorowgood has 30 years of saddle making expertise in Walsall, the saddle-making capital of England, NOT mass-manufactured in the Far East or India.

Are Thorowgood saddles leather?

Thorowgood T8 Dressage Surface Block The dressage specific tree is designed to help you perfect your dressage seat, making schooling and competing more satisfying. The quality leather seat and knee pads give the feel of riding on an all leather saddle without the expense.

What does MGP stand for in Thorowgood saddle?

GP Saddles

HGC Compact GP high wither
MGA Anatomic GP
MGC Compact GP standard wither
MGD GPD standard wither (discontinued 2011)
MGP GP standard wither

Are all Thorowgood saddles adjustable?

Are all thorowgood saddles adjustable? Yes all the newer models are, some older styles do not have the changeable gullet system but this should be stated on any advert that they are not adjustable.