When did the GRE test format change?

August 1, 2011
On August 1, 2011, the Revised GRE General test replaced General GRE test. The revised GRE is said to be better by design and provides a better test taking experience. The new types of questions in the revised format are intended to test the skills needed in graduate and business schools programs.

When was the last time the GRE was revised?

August 2011
The GRE was significantly revised in August 2011, changing the scoring system from a scale of 200-800 to a scale of 130-170, and changing the test from a continuously adaptive test to one that is only adaptive by section.

How long is GRE score valid?

five years
How long are GRE scores valid? Scores are reportable for five years following your test date. For example, scores for a test taken on September 17, 2022, are reportable through September 16, 2027.

Is GRE available in 2021?

Note: Registration for 2021–22 GRE Subject Test administrations will open on July 1, 2021.

What is a good GRE score old test?

Yes, the new GRE point scale has gone to a very limited range of 130-170 for each section from the earlier broad range of 200-800….Verbal Reasoning Concordance Table – Old GRE to New GRE Score Conversion :

Prior Scale Current Scale % Rank
780 170 99
770 170 99
760 170 99
750 169 99

Is 450 a good GRE score?

* ETS does not provide a specific score comparison for students obtaining a 170 in the Quantitative section of the Revised GRE….Revised GRE scores v. Old GRE scores (including percentile ranks)

Revised GRE Old GRE Percentile rank
160 600-610 83
155 530 65
150 450 44

Is 1200 a good GRE score?

Old and New GRE Comparison Tool

ld Total Score New Total Score Revised GRE Quant
1220 309 149
1200 308 148
1180 307 148
1160 305 147