What is a bulkhead outside a house?

A basement bulkhead is a structure that allows access to a basement from the outside of the house. The structure is usually made of concrete or stone, and it includes a stairway that leads to the ground level.

Why do they call it a bulkhead?

Sometime in the 15th century sailors and builders in Europe realized that walls within a vessel would prevent cargo from shifting during passage. In shipbuilding, any vertical panel was called a “head”. So walls installed abeam (side-to-side) in a vessel’s hull were called “bulkheads”.

What is a bulkhead structure?

Bulkheads or seawalls are structures erected parallel to and near the high water mark for the purpose of protecting adjacent uplands from the action of waves or currents. Bulkheads are constructed of steel, timber or concrete piling, and may be either of solid or open-piling construction.

What is an outdoor entrance to basement called?

A cellar door or “bulkhead door” offers easy outdoor access to your basement or crawl space. A storm cellar door secures the bulkhead, which is an entry point to your home’s basement from the outside.

What is the entrance to a basement called?

Bulkhead entrances
They are called Bulkhead entrances, Basement Perm-Entries, Basement Entryways, Basement Steps to name a few. Our Basement Entrances are made out of reinforced pre-cast concrete.

What is a roof bulkhead?

1. A structure on the roof of a building covering a water tank, shaft, or service equipment. 2. A structure, as on a roof, covering a stairwell or other opening, to provide adequate headroom.

What do bulkheads do?

Bulkheads are normally smaller than seawalls, as often their primary function is to retain fill at locations with only limited wave action, and not to resist coastal erosion. A bulkhead must, of course, be designed to resist erosion caused by the mild to moderate wave climate at a specific site.

What are storm doors to a basement called?

A storm cellar door secures the bulkhead, which is an entry point to your home’s basement from the outside.

Why do old houses have cellar doors?

Root Cellar Root cellars existed to store vegetables, fruits, nuts and more for long periods of time. Some were simply an unfinished room in the basement while others were built into the ground a short distance from the house.
