What is a regulatory arbitrage?

Regulatory arbitrage has been defined as “those financial transactions designed specifically to reduce costs or capture profit opportunities created by different regula- tions or laws.” Frank Partnoy, Financial Derivatives and the Costs of Regulatory Arbitrage, 22 J. CORP. L. 211, 227 (1997).

Is arbitrage regulated?

Regulatory arbitrage is a corporate practice of utilizing more favorable laws in one jurisdiction to circumvent less favorable regulation elsewhere. This practice is often legal as it takes advantage of existing loopholes; however, it is often considered unethical.

Can banks do arbitrage?

Inward arbitrage is a form of arbitrage that involves rearranging a bank’s cash by borrowing from the interbank market and then re-depositing the borrowed money locally at a higher interest rate. The interbank market is a global network of banks, but most of the borrowing takes place between bank to bank.

Is Regulatory Authority for Money Market in India?

In India, the financial system is regulated by independent regulators incorporated with the field of insurance, banking, commodity market, pension funds, and capital market….Financial Regulatory Bodies in India.

Regulatory Body Sector Headquarters
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Banking & Finance, Monetary Policy Bombay

What is an arbitrage transaction?

What Is Arbitrage? Arbitrage is trading that exploits the tiny differences in price between identical assets in two or more markets. The arbitrage trader buys the asset in one market and sells it in the other market at the same time in order to pocket the difference between the two prices.

Is arbitrage legal in India?

And to answer the question – is arbitrage trading legal in India? Yes, it is, if you are taking stock delivery. Arbitraging is encouraged in many markets since it brings out price discrepancies and helps the market to implement the law of one price.

Why is arbitrage illegal?

Arbitrage and Market Efficiency By attempting to benefit from price discrepancies, traders who engage in arbitrage are contributing towards market efficiency. A classic example of arbitrage would be an asset that trades in two different markets at different prices; a clear violation of the Law of One Price.

How many regulators are there in India?

Regulatory Bodies in India and their Head

Sl. No. Regulating Agency Establishment Date
1 Reserve Bank of India 12875
2 SEBI – Securities and Exchange Board of India 33706
3 IRDAI- Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority 1999
4 PFRDA – Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority 37856

Is arbitrage possible in India?