What is B+ in Ateneo?

B+ 90-94 Very good. B 85-89 Good. C+ 80-84 Satisfactory. C 75-79 Acceptable.

Does Ateneo have Grade 7?

It is awarded to the top thirty (30) student applicants for Grade 7 from Ateneo de Davao University Grade School with the highest Magis Scholarship Score.

Does Ateneo have Grade 10?

The Senior High School encompasses Grades 11 and 12 of Ateneo de Manila University’s Basic Education.

How can I check my Ateneo result?

Visit http://acet.ateneo.edu/results. Decisions on college transfer applications will be released in June 2018.

Is D a passing grade in Ateneo?

Other universities, such as the Ateneo de Manila University and its sister schools, use the letter grade system with varied grade equivalence range….Grade point scale (1.00–5.00)

Grade Point Equivalence Equivalence Description
2.50 82–83% Fair
2.75 79–81% Fair
3.00 75–78% Pass
5.00 Below 75% Failure

What is the passing grade in Ateneo?

subjects would usually have a 70% passing mark. The lower the passing mark, the harder the subject is. You have been warned! Given this, certain grade ranges will merit you either an A, B+, B, C+, C, D or F, where A is the highest, C would be “average Atenean” standard and F would be failing.

How much is the tuition fee in Ateneo grade school?

Admission and Tuition at Ateneo de Manila University The tuition at Ateneo ranges at P90,000 to P110,000 per semester. For the academic year of 2020 to 2021, the average tuition fee was at P92,064, with basic fees at P12,385 and miscellaneous fees at P3,750.

How much is the tuition fee in Ateneo?

136,426 PHP (2016 – 17)Ateneo de Manila University / Undergraduate tuition and fees

Is there SHS in UP Diliman?

DOES UP MANILA OFFER A SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION? No, but UP Diliman does. It’s called the University of the Philippines Integrated School that only accepts Grade 10 students to enter the program.

What grade does Ateneo have?

The Ateneo Grade School is the unit of the Ateneo de Manila educational system that provides elementary education (Kinder and Grades 1 to 6).

How hard is it to get into Ateneo?

Only around 14,000 students were accepted. Ateneo is known for getting outstanding students every year. With over 150 years of excellence under its belt, this Jesuit institute continues to be quite selective with its applicants as excellence in the spirit of Magis is expected from each and every one of them.

How much is Ateneo tuition?