What is Condylus Occipitalis?
What is Condylus Occipitalis?
The occipital condyles are two large protuberances on the undersurface of the occipital bone, located besides the front half of the foramen magnum. It forms the connection between the skull and the vertebral coloumn.
What is an occipital fracture?
Occipital condyle fractures are traumatic injuries that involve articulation between the base of the skull and the cervical spine.
What is the function of occipital condyles?
The occipital condyles are functionally important because they articulate with the superior articular facets of the atlas (C1). This joint functions as a hinge joint allowing flexion and extension of the head. When one shakes their head “no” the two bones move as one piece.
Where is the occipital condyle located?
The OC, which is an oval-shaped osseous structure located at the base of the occipital bone, articulates the skull in relation to the cervical spine.
What is femur condyle?
Femoral Condyles – Anatomy: The femoral condyles are located on the end of the thigh bone, or the femur. They are covered by articular cartilage and function as a shock absorber for the knee.
What means condyle?
Definition of condyle : an articular prominence of a bone especially : one resembling a pair of knuckles.
What happens if you damage your occipital?
Injury to the occipital lobes may lead to vision impairments such as blindness or blind spots; visual distortions and visual inattention. The occipital lobes are also associated with various behaviors and functions that include: visual recognition; visual attention; and spatial analysis.
What are the 4 parts of the occipital bone?
The external surface of the squamous part features: external occipital protuberance, the tip is known as the inion….The occipital bone is composed of four parts:
- squamous part: external/internal surfaces.
- basilar part (basiocciput): lower/upper surfaces.
- lateral (jugular) parts (two): under/upper surfaces.
What movement occurs at the occipital condyles?
The occipital condyles roll backwards and glide anteriorly on the atlantal facets, closing the space between the occipital bone and the posterior arch of the atlas. Approximation of the occipital bone, the atlas and the axis limits the extension range of motion to approximately 10°.
Is occipital condyle a bone?
The occipital bone is an anteriorly concave bone that forms the base of the cranium. The occipital condyles are paired kidney-shaped structures that form the base of the occipital bone and are the structural bases for the articulation of the skull with the cervical spine.
What is a femoral condyle defect?
A chondral defect refers to damage to the articular cartilage located at the end of bones. Specific to the knee joint, damage can occur at the distal end of the femur (thigh bone), the proximal tibia (lower leg bone), or the posterior aspect of the patella (knee cap).