What is the answer to 22 on the impossible Quiz?
What is the answer to 22 on the impossible Quiz?
Question 22 from the Impossible Quiz states that “The choice is yours”, with the four possible options below being “+1 life”, “-1 life”, “Escape!!”, and “+1 skip”. The answer is “+1 skip”, because it’s like an instant skip to the next question.
How do you get past 23 on the impossible Quiz?
The answer is simple but clever at the same time: in order to win this game, you have to grab the circle that encloses the question number with your mouse and drag it to the empty square in the middle of the bottom row. This way, you’ll get 3 O’s in a row and win the tic-tac-toe, before moving on to the next question.
What is the answer to 77 on the impossible Quiz?
Rather, it refers to the whole screen in that moment, or maybe (probably) that red number 77 enclosed by a similarly coloured circle, which is right next to the message. So for either of these reasons, the answer to this question is “Question 77”.
How do you do question 91 on the impossible Quiz?
The answer isn’t exactly obvious, and the note was obviously there just to distract the player, but after a few tries they might realise that to pass this question what you have to do is to move the mouse back and forth right under the third hole of the paper, until the player starts tearing it.
What’s the answer to 24 on the impossible quiz?
If you rapidly scroll your mouse back and forth over the box, you will be able to read the message formed by all of the letters, which says “Click the ‘V’ in lives”. So click on the letter V in the word “Lives” at the bottom left corner of the screen in order to proceed.
What is the answer to question 24 on the impossible quiz 2?
The actual answer is “Space”, since the word “sea” is actually meant as the letter “C”, and the “C” key is located right above the Space bar in all keyboards.
What is the answer to 78 on impossible Quiz?
Out of all of these options, only one of them was the correct answer to its respective question: the first option, “Four”, which is the correct answer for “How many number of holes in a polo.” So click “Four” in order to proceed.
What is the answer to 79 on impossible Quiz?
The “horseshoe” is hidden somewhere in the screen: it’s the “U” in the third option box, which says “What do you mean?”. The letter “U” happens to be shaped just like a horseshoe (notice how it’s the only “U” in the whole question). In order to proceed, you have to click that letter, NOT the whole option box.
What is the answer to question 93 on the impossible quiz?
The location of the button, on the top right corner. Everything (including the question number) in the question is movable, and so is the bomb. If you move it away, you’ll find a small arrow-shaped green button, with the word “GO!” written on it; click it in order to move on.
What is the answer to question 94 on the impossible quiz?
The actual answer to this question is in one of the 8 possible ads the player can get while he/she is in there; the player must close all of the ads until he/she finds the right one. Some of them look quite amusing, but if they’re not the correct one, the player will lose a life.