Is IHttpActionResult asynchronous?
Is IHttpActionResult asynchronous?
IHttpActionResult contains a single method, ExecuteAsync, which asynchronously creates an HttpResponseMessage instance. If a controller action returns an IHttpActionResult, Web API calls the ExecuteAsync method to create an HttpResponseMessage.
What is IHttpActionResult?
The IHttpActionResult comprises a collection of custom in-built responses that include: Ok, BadRequest, Exception, Conflict, Redirect, NotFound, and Unauthorized. The IHttpActionResult interface contains just one method. Here’s how this interface looks: namespace System.Web.Http.
What is CreatedAtAction?
CreatedAtAction(String, Object, Object) Creates a CreatedAtActionResult object that produces a Status201Created response. CreatedAtAction(String, Object) Creates a CreatedAtActionResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
What is async task IHttpActionResult?
Your action may return an IHttpActionResult which performs the action asynchronously when the framework calls its ExecuteAsync . But if you must first make some other async calls before creating and returning the result, then you’re forced to change the signature to async Task . That’s all it is.
When should I use IHttpActionResult?
The IHttpActionResult was introduced by WebAPI 2 which is a kind of wrap of HttpResponseMessage . It contains the ExecuteAsync() method to create an HttpResponseMessage . It simplifies unit testing of your controller.
What is the difference between IHttpActionResult and IActionResult?
What is the difference between IHttpActionResult and IActionresult? “IActionResult is the new abstraction that should be used in your actions. Since Web API and MVC frameworks have been unified in ASP.NET Core, various IActionResult implementations can handle both traditional API scenarios.”.
What is the use of CreatedAtRoute?
The CreatedAtRoute method is intended to return a URI to the newly created resource when you invoke a POST method to store some new object. So if you POST an order item for instance, you might return a route like ‘api/order/11’ (11 being the id of the order obviously).
Should I use ActionResult or IActionResult?
IActionResult is an interface, we can create a custom response as a return, when you use ActionResult you can return only predefined ones for returning a View or a resource. With IActionResult we can return a response, or error as well.
How do I get content from IHttpActionResult?
“get content from ihttpactionresult” Code Answer
- [TestMethod]
- public void TestGet()
- {
- IHttpActionResult actionResult = controller. Get();
- var contentResult = actionResult as OkNegotiatedContentResult;
- Assert. AreEqual(“”, contentResult. Content);
- }
What is ActionResult and IActionResult?
IActionResult is an interface and ActionResult is an implementation of that interface. ActionResults is an abstract class and action results like ViewResult, PartialViewResult, JsonResult, etc., derive from ActionResult. Let’s say you want to create an action result not catered to by MVC, say an XML result.