Can PHP be used for Web applications?

PHP also has support for most of the web servers today. This includes Apache, IIS, and many others. And this includes any web server that can utilize the FastCGI PHP binary, like lighttpd and nginx. PHP works as either a module, or as a CGI processor.

What is PHP web application?

PHP (or PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language that is used to create dynamic web pages that can interact with databases. It is a widely-used open source language that is specifically used for web application development and can be embedded within HTML.

Is w3school free?

W3Schools is Free W3Schools is, and will always be, a completely free developers resource.

Why you should not use PHP?

It’s very easy to make bad and insecure code with PHP. But PHP is not a security hole or doomed to ugly code if you code properly. Developers hate PHP because you are more likely to get errors with a language that allows so much freedom.

Is Facebook still written in PHP?

Facebook still uses PHP, but it has built a compiler for it so it can be turned into native code on its web servers, thus boosting performance.

Is PHP used for frontend or backend?

back end development
PHP is a programming language for back end development only. JavaScript, in turn, was initially designed as a front end development language. But with the introduction of Node. js in 2009, JavaScript became full stack.

Is w3school enough?

Originally Answered: What you think w3schools enough for learning web development? No. W3schools can be a useful reference tool, but it doesn’t really explain things in detail. You may want to try some online tutorials such as those from Online Video Tutorials & Training at or free ones on YouTube.

Is W3Schools an Indian website?

W3Schools is a freemium educational website for learning coding online. Developed in 1998, it derives its name from the World Wide Web but is not affiliated with the W3C. W3Schools offers courses covering all aspects of web development. It is run by Refsnes Data in Norway.