Are sky-watcher telescopes good?

SkyWatcher 8″ Dobsonian is a great telescope. It is well-built, has exceptional optics, and will stand years of use. But its current price at 450$ is not reasonable. For only 30$ more, you can get a Zhumell Z8, which comes with vastly better accessories.

What size telescope is good for stargazing?

The larger the diameter, the more light the telescope collects, allowing you to see fainter objects and more detail on nearby, bright objects like the Moon. Telescopes that have 4 or 5 inch diameters are great for viewing solar system objects like the planets, our Moon, and Jupiter’s moons.

Can you do astrophotography with a Dobsonian telescope?

Generally, we do NOT recommend doing astrophotography with your Dobsonian telescope, as the lack of a tracking mount or an equatorial mount will make long exposures impossible. That being said, photographs of the Moon, planets, and very short exposures of bright nebulae are doable with the right expectations.

Is buying a telescope worth it?

Most telescopes that cost less than $150 will have low optical quality and aren’t really worth it. We suggest getting good binoculars instead. Stay away from any telescope advertised for its magnifying power. A telescope’s most important attribute is its size, meaning the diameter of its main mirror or lens.

What can I see with a 40x telescope?

At 40x you can use the scope for several astro viewing aspects: Clusters, Open and Globular, double stars, some nebula – M42 being the obvious. Depending on how dark your skies are some planetary nebula. And as ever in this hobby there is the moon.

What can I see with a 150mm telescope?

150-180 mm refractors, 175-200 mm reflectors and catadioptric telescopes:

  • binary stars with angular separation of less than 1″, faint stars (up to 14 stellar magnitude);
  • lunar features (2 km in diameter);
  • Clouds and dust storms on Mars;
  • 6-7 moons of Saturn, planetary disk of Titan may be observed;