What is the ryves formula?

Ryves Formula for maximum flood discharge Solution STEP 0: Pre-Calculation Summary. Peak Discharge = Ryves Coefficient*Catchment Area^2/3. Qp = CR*A^2/3. Ryves Coefficient- Ryves Coefficient was originally developed for the Tamil Nadu region, is in use in Tamil Nadu and parts of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

What is Dicken’s formula?

Dicken’s formula is written as: Q = CA3/4. in which A is the area of catchment in sq. Km (i.e., Km ) and C is a constant whose value varies widely between 2.8 to 5.6 for catchments in plains and 14 to 28 for catchments in hills, depending upon the catchment characteristics.

Which formula is used for westran Ghat for flood measurement * Inglis equation RYVE’s equation Jarvis equation Dicken equation?

Ryves formula is used in Tamil Nadu and parts of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Inglish formula is used in Western Ghats in Maharashtra.

How is flood peak calculated?

To estimate the magnitude of a flood peak (Qp) by the formula Q P = 124 A A + 10.4 , where A = catchment area in km2 .

What is a rational method?

The Rational Method expresses a relationship between rainfall intensity and catchment area as independent variables and the peak flood discharge resulting from the rainfall as the dependent variable. It has been used for over 150 years, and known as the Rational Method for nearly 100 years.

What is maximum flood discharge?

The flood discharge shall preferably be the maximum of 100 years’ recorded value for important bridges and 50 years’ recorded value for less important bridges. The terms “100 years’ value” and “50 years’ value” are defined as momentary peak discharge which occur “on the average” once in 100 years or once in 50 years.

Which Inglis Formula is used to calculate runoff?

Flood Discharge by Inglis Formula calculator uses Discharge = (123*Catchment Area)/(sqrt(Catchment Area+10.4)) to calculate the Discharge, The Flood Discharge by Inglis Formula calculates the value of flood discharge when we have prior information of other parameters used. Discharge is denoted by Q symbol.

What is SPF and PMF?

The probable maximum flood (PMF) or the standard project flood (SPF) is estimated using the hydro-meteorological approach. For the PMF calculations the worst possible maximum storm (PMS) pattern is estimated. This is then applied to the unit hydrograph of the catchment to obtain the PMF.

What is the I in Q CiA?

The Rational method predicts the peak runoff according to the formula: Q=CiA, where C is a runoff coefficient, i is the rainfall intensity, and A is the subcatchment area.