What episode does Jake the dog sing bacon pancakes?

Burning Low
“Bacon Pancakes” is a song written by Rebecca Sugar, produced by composer Tim Kiefer, and sung by Jake in the episodes “Burning Low” and “Is That You?.” He first sings it while making breakfast, which is bacon and pancakes combined.

What episode of Adventure Time has bacon pancakes?

“Burning Low” was seen by 3.504 million viewers, making it the highest-rated episode of Adventure Time that has ever aired and had viewing data….Burning Low.

“Burning Low”
Story by Patrick McHale Kent Osborne Pendleton Ward
Featured music “Bacon Pancakes” by Rebecca Sugar
Production code 1008-094

How do you make bacon pancakes?


  1. Preheat griddle or skillet. Cook bacon until crispy and drain on paper towels.
  2. Prepare pancake batter by mixing Bisquick™ mix, milk, and eggs in a medium bowl.
  3. Place bacon strips on griddle or skillet, leaving plenty of room in between them.
  4. Cook for 2-3 minutes per side or until golden brown.
  5. Serve with syrup.

Was Princess Bubblegum jealous of Flame Princess?

Jake comes to the conclusion that Princess Bubblegum is jealous of Flame Princess and shares this with Finn. She confronts Finn the next day and attempts to console him, believing that he knew about the situation.

Are Finn and Flame Princess dating?

Flame Princess is Finn’s girlfriend, in which he confirms by himself in “Puhoy” and her in “Vault of Bones” He first meets her at the end of the episode “Incendium.” During the episode, Jake poses as Finn trying to court her because he believed that Finn, depressed after being rejected again by Princess Bubblegum.

How do you make prismo’s pickles?

Prismo’s Artisanal Pickles

  1. Make a brine using equal parts water and plain white vinegar, adding 25 grams of salt and 100 grams of plain white sugar, and whisk to combine.
  2. Fill a large bowl with about 8-9 quarts of water and then add your sous vide into the water and set to 140°F.
  3. Take out two bell jars with lids.

Should I cook bacon or pancakes first?

2. Then cook your pancakes as you normally would, flipping them when the batter begins to bubble. If you’re cooking bacon first (which we strongly suggest), just remove the bacon from the pan, dispose of any excess grease and keep a dollop in the skillet.

Is Marceline a boy or girl?

Marceline the Vampire Queen
Gender Female
Title The Vampire Queen
Family Hunson Abadeer (father) Elise (mother) Simon Petrikov (adoptive father)
Significant other Princess Bubblegum

What language does Lady Rainicorn speak?

She only speaks Korean, speaking English only when equipped with a universal translator device (however, she is shown to have spoken a bit of English in “Lady & Peebles” “I am pregnant!”).