What are some Russian idioms?

Common Russian Idioms

  • 1) взять себя в руки – to pull oneself together.
  • 2) сесть в лужу = to embarrass oneself.
  • 3) шутки в сторону = seriously.
  • 4) так и быть = so be it.
  • 5) когда рак на горе свистнет = when pigs fly.
  • 6) Как рыба, вытащенная из воды = like a fish taken out of water.
  • 7) Делать из мухи слона = to exaggerate.

How do Russians express anger?

Here are the most common angry Russian phrases you can use to tell people what to do (or not to do!).

  1. Заткнись (Zatknis’)
  2. Прекрати (Prekrati)
  3. Оставь меня в покое (Ostav’ menya v pokoye)
  4. Проваливай (Provalivay)
  5. Я больше не хочу тебя видеть (Ya bol’she ne khochu tebya videt’)
  6. Не лезь ко мне (Ne lezʹ ko mne)

What is Svidaniya?

The usual way to say goodbye in almost any situation is ‘Do svidaniya! ‘, pronounced as ‘duh svee-dah-nee-ye’. This Russian phrase literally means ‘until (the next) meeting’ and you are guaranteed to hear it absolutely everywhere you go.

What are idioms in Russian language?

Idioms are an essential part of the Russian language. From expressing emotion to conveying information, Russian idioms play countless roles in daily communication. Here is a list of idioms you should know if you want to understand (and impress) fluent Russian speakers.

Should you learn Russian idioms on your own hands?

If you cut corners and just rely on those textbooks, you’ll miss the boat on valuable phrases. That’s why you need to take learning Russian idioms into your own hands.

How do you say ‘jokes are bad’ in Russian?

Remember to answer with ‘К чёрту!’ (k TCHYORtoo!), which means ‘to the devil!’ If you forget, don’t be surprised if your well-wisher looks panicked and reminds you of the expected response. Literal translation: jokes are bad (with someone or something)

What is the meaning of the Russian idiom нос?

The ‘нос’ in the idiom comes from the Russian verb ‘носить’, meaning to carry or to bring. If you wanted to achieve anything in Old Rus’, you often had to bring bribes to people. Such a bribe was called ‘нос’. If the person didn’t accept your bribe, you were left with what you had brought and no hope for success. 4. Водить за нос