What is the real ending to I Am Legend?
What is the real ending to I Am Legend?
The ending to the Alternate Theatrical Version varies from the original ending. Instead of blowing himself and the hemocytes up with a grenade, Neville discovers that the hemocytes actually came for the female he captured earlier in the movie. He relieves her of the cure and returns her to the hemocytes.
Is there two endings to the movie I Am Legend?
Two endings of I Am Legend The movie had an alternate ending as well as the one which was theatrically released. In the theatrical release, Will Smith’s character, Robert Neville dies along with the Darkseekers while trying to protect the cure for the widespread virus.
What happens in the end of the movie I Am Legend?
Neville draws a vial of blood from the woman he cured, and gives it to Anna, before shutting Ethan and her inside a coal chute in the back of the lab. Neville then takes a grenade and kills the Darkseekers at the cost of his own life, saving the cure.
What is the canon ending to I Am Legend?
I Am Legend’s original ending sees Will Smith’s character being blown up and becoming a legend to other survivors, while the alternate ending indicates that Neville will have to deal with the consequences of his actions and the implications of his discoveries about the true nature of the Darkseekers.
Why was the ending of I Am Legend changed?
Unfortunately, as revealed by I Am Legend director Francis Lawrence, the reason the ending was changed to the happier one seen in theaters is due to intensely negative reactions to the ending where Neville has his villainous realization from test audiences.
Why does the mannequin move in I Am Legend?
One, It could be because of Fred’s mental state, and he could be having hallucinations. Secondly, the Darkseekers wanted to bait him and tried all that was possible to lure him in. So, it cannot be totally out of the realm that the monster hid in the shadow and pulled on a rope attached to the mannequin.
Why did the mannequins head move in I Am Legend?
They set up the mannequin to attract Neville to that spot. That includes a slightly turning head which would really send him over the edge given his current mental state.
Why do the mannequins move in I Am Legend?
Neville is losing it, he imagines the mannequin moving its head because he half expects it to after seeing it in a place where he knows it shouldn’t be.