How do I disable developer mode in Internet Explorer?

Set the policy value for Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Windows Components >> Internet Explorer >> Toolbars >> “Turn off Developer Tools” to “Enabled”, and select “Disable” from the drop-down box.

How do I disable F12 button?

To Disable F12 Keyboard Shortcut for Developer Tools in Microsoft Edge

  1. Open Microsoft Edge.
  2. Click on the Settings button ( Alt + F ) and select Settings from the menu.
  3. Scroll down to the Developer Tools section.
  4. Enable or disable the option Open the DevTools when the F12 key is pressed for what you want.

How do I enable F12 developer tools in Internet Explorer?


  1. Launch IE.
  2. Once you are ready to re-create the problem, click Tools -> F12 Developer Tools to turn on Developer Tools.
  3. Developer Tools window appears.
  4. Right-click in Console tab.
  5. In Network tab, profiling session is turned on by default so it is shown grey.
  6. Start to re-create the problem.

How do I turn off developer tools?

To do this:

  1. Log in to your G Suite account at
  2. Navigate to Device > Chrome > Settings.
  3. Scroll down to User Experience > Developer Tools.
  4. Select the “Never allow the use of built-in developer tools” option from the dropdown.

How do I enable Developer Tools in Regedit?


  1. Open the Windows Registry (regedit.exe)
  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\
  3. Look for a name of DeveloperToolsDisabled.
  4. Check the value of it.
  5. Right click and go to Modify.
  6. Change the value of 1 to a 0.
  7. Click Ok.
  8. Restart Chrome.

How do I disable Developer Tools in Firefox?

Open Developer Tools (Ctrl+Shift+c or F12) Click “3 dots” menu button in top-right corner. Click Settings. Disable “Pick an element from the page” restart Firefox.

How do I disable F12 on my website?

Also disable the F12 , Ctrl + Shift + I , Ctrl + Shift + J and Ctrl + U keys. Instead of the contextmenu event, You can also add the oncontextmenu handler into the HTML body tag to disable the right click.

How do I disable function keys in Windows 10?

Press Fn + Esc to enable Fn Lock and disable the hotkey functionality.

What is F12 in Internet Explorer?

The F12 tools screen F12 tools provide a set of tools that you can use to design, debug, or view webpage source code and behavior. F12 tools can be opened in a separate window or pinned to the bottom of the webpage that you’re debugging.

How do I disable developer tools in my website?

Support configurable whether to disable the right-click menu. Disable f12 and ctrl+shift+i shortcuts. Support recognition to open the developer tools from the browser menu bar and close the current page. Developers can bypass the disablement (use tk and md5 encryption for url parameters)

How do I open developer tools without F12?

To open the developer console in Google Chrome, open the Chrome Menu in the upper-right-hand corner of the browser window and select More Tools > Developer Tools. You can also use Option + ⌘ + J (on macOS), or Shift + CTRL + J (on Windows/Linux).

Why F12 is not working in Chrome?

If your F12 press alone doesn’t open the devtools on browser then, press and hold Fn and then press Esc. It’s done !! Now you will be able to open devtool just by pressing F12. This one was the fix I needed.