How do I get FedEx to not require a signature?

No, Signature options cannot be added, removed or changed once FedEx has taken possession of the package.

How do I do an electronic signature on FedEx?

Sign into the app with your account and tap an incoming package to view its options. Click the “Sign for a Package” option to sign for a package online. If it’s grayed out, the package either doesn’t require a signature or FedEx needs you to sign for it in person.

What happens if I missed FedEx signature?

What if I am not home to sign for my package? If you are not home to sign for your package, a doortag will be left at your door and the driver may reattempt delivery. To avoid missed deliveries, sign up for FedEx Delivery Manager, where you will be able to sign electronically or give special instructions for delivery.

What happens if a package needs a signature and no one is home?

You could either have your package left at a UPS location, such as The UPS Store or a UPS Access Point® location, or change your instructions.

Where do I get an electronic signature?

There are lots of electronic signature providers on the market, including but not limited to HelloSign, AdobeSign, SignNow and other DocuSign alternatives. Most offer basic signing functionality, with low entry-level pricing.

How many attempts will FedEx make?

three times
Delivery attempts If a signature is required, the driver will typically try to deliver the package up to three times. If a label has been applied to the back of the tag, the driver was unable to leave the package due to signature requirements or felt the package was not safe to deliver.

Will FedEx make a second attempt same day?

No. they will leave you a notification. you have to pick it up by yourself or they will delivery it again at second day.

Will FedEx call me for signature?

FedEx will obtain a signature from someone at the delivery address or from somebody nearby, such as a neighbor or building manager. The recipient has the option to authorize the shipment to be released without anyone present.

What do I do if my package requires a signature?

Or, if you prefer, you can redirect the package to another location where someone can sign on your behalf. If the sender has specified that an adult signature is required, you cannot authorize delivery release online. You can, however, redirect it to a UPS customer center.

What packages require a signature?

If your company ships high value package goods, pharmaceuticals, firearms, or alcohol, you will need to consider utilizing the Signature Required Delivery Services. Signature Delivery options are available for an additional fee from both UPS and FedEx.