When can you throw out garbage in nyc?

You must place items at the curb between 4 PM and midnight the evening before your collection day. There is no limit to the number of bags you can put out for collection. You can’t remove items, materials, or bags that other residents have placed out for pickup.

Does nyc sanitation pick up metal?

Trash or Recycling Bins You can throw out metal or rigid plastic trash or recycling cans or bins with your recycling items. Place a label on it that says “Sanitation, please take this can away” so that the Department of Sanitation knows to take it.

What time do garbage trucks come nyc?

Place your items curbside on the curb between 4 PM and midnight the evening before your scheduled pickup. If your pickup is before 4 PM, you must retrieve bins by 9 PM….2022 Sanitation Holidays.

Date Holiday
June 20 (Monday) Juneteenth (Observed)
July 4 (Monday) Independence Day
September 5 (Monday) Labor Day

How do you throw out cardboard boxes in NYC?

The City does not give away green recycling bins. Only corrugated cardboard boxes may be recycled as corrugated cardboard. Heavily-soiled or greasy cardboard should be disposed of with regular trash. Corrugated cardboard must be flattened and tied with sturdy twine into bundles 18 inches tall or smaller.

Does NYC Sanitation pick up furniture?

NON-RECYCLABLE ITEMS Put oversized (larger than 4ft. x 3ft.), non-recyclable items like sofas and wooden furniture out after 4pm the night before your LAST garbage collection day of the week. DSNY will collect these items by Saturday.

How do I throw away a TV in nyc?

Disposal Options

  1. Donate them if in working condition.
  2. Schedule a pickup appointment if you live in Staten Island.
  3. Enroll your apartment building to get pickups through the ecycleNYC program.
  4. Bring them to a drop-off location.
  5. Return them to the manufacturer or retailer for recycling.

Can I throw away a microwave in nyc?

FACT: Microwaves are considered appliances, not electronic waste. You should donate or sell it if it’s in working condition, otherwise, place at the curb with your recycling.

Does NYC sanitation pick up furniture?

Are egg cartons recyclable NYC?

Plastic Items That Can’t Be Recycled Styrofoam/plastic foam items (foam cups, foam egg cartons, foam trays, foam packing peanuts, foam sporting equipment, etc.) Tubes (toothpaste, lotion, cosmetics, etc.)