What is solid phase epitaxy?

Solid phase epitaxy (SPE) occurs when a metastable amorphous layer in contact with a single crystal template crystallizes epitaxially in the solid state by the rearrangement of atoms at the interface between the two phases [4.1].

What is epitaxy process?

epitaxy, the process of growing a crystal of a particular orientation on top of another crystal, where the orientation is determined by the underlying crystal. The creation of various layers in semiconductor wafers, such as those used in integrated circuits, is a typical application for the process.

How many types of epitaxy are there?

Near thermodynamic equilibrium (low adatom supersaturation), the mechanism of epitaxial growth is classified into three primary growth modes– Volmer–Weber (VW), Frank–van der Merwe (FM) and Stranski–Krastanov (SK).

What is epitaxy used for?

Epitaxy is used in semiconductor fabrication to create a perfect crystalline foundation layer on which to build a semiconductor device, to deposit a crystalline film with engineered electrical properties, or to alter mechanical attributes of an underlayer in a way that improves its electrical conductivity.

What is meant by epitaxy in VLSI?

Epitaxy refers to the deposition of an overlayer on a crystalline substrate, where the overlayer is in registry with the substrate. The overlayer is called an epitaxial film or epitaxial layer.

What is epitaxy discuss Vapour phase epitaxy in detail?

In vapor phase epitaxy, the source chemicals from which the epitaxial layers are grown are gaseous. The technique has been widely used for the growth of several III–V compound semiconductors. VPE is often classified into two different methods, the chloride and the hydride methods.

What is epitaxy PDF?

Epitaxy is a term applied to the process of growing a monocrystalline film on a substrate. Epitaxy is termed as homoepitaxy when a crystal is grown epitaxially on a substrate of the same material, as in silicon film grown on silicon substrate.

Is epitaxy a CVD?

A special method in CVD, called Epitaxy or Epitaxial Layer Deposition or Vapor-Phase Epitaxy (VPE), has only a single-crystal form as the deposited layer . This process is usually carried out for certain combinations of substrate and layer materials and under special deposition conditions.

What is MOCVD used for?

MOCVD (metal organic chemical vapor deposition) is a technology that is used to deposit very thin layers of atoms onto a semiconductor wafer (wafers are thin disks mostly made of saphire or silicon).

What is metal organic CVD?

Metal Organic CVD (MOCVD) Metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) is a process used for creating high purity crystalline compound semiconducting thin films and micro/nano structures. Precision fine tuning, abrupt interfaces, epitaxial deposition, and a high level of dopant control can be readily achieved.

What is epitaxy describe the process of Si epitaxy over Si wafer?

Epitaxial growth of a III-V layer on a silicon wafer is a classic approach. It is a method of forming thin films of semiconductor material by sputtering on a silicon wafer. The process involves the growth of a thin layer of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) on a silicon substrate.

Why is epitaxial layer needed?

In a word, the epitaxial layer is easier to obtain a perfect and controllable crystal structure than the substrate, which is more conducive to the application and development of the material.