Do external hard drives work with Wii U?

External hard drives that are self powered with a USB cable are compatible with the Wii U. However it is recommended to use a Y-cable to make sure the hard drive gets enough power. Self powered hard drives with a USB cable are compatible with the Wii U.

Can I use a 2TB hard drive on a Wii U?

The Wii U can recognize a storage device in any size, but 2TB is the maximum amount of storage capacity the Wii U can use. Any extra capacity beyond 2TB will not be accessible by the Wii U.

How do I get more storage on my Wii U?

You can expand the amount of available storage space with external USB storage media. USB storage media can be connected to Wii U via the console’s front or rear USB 2.0 connectors. Please note that you cannot remove/connect a storage device while the power is on.

Can you use a flash drive for Wii U?

Wii U supports USB hard disk drives with a dedicated power source, called self-powered USB. Flash memory devices have a limited number of rewrites and are not suited to long-term storage of important game data, so we do not recommend the use of flash memory devices as an external storage device solution.

Can you use a USB flash drive on Wii U?

As it turns out, Nintendo recommends against using a USB flash drive for your Wii U. Because these devices have a limited number of read/write cycles before they wear out, they’re not designed for regular use like a game requires. A flash drive, especially a cheap one, could die and result in lost data.

What HDD does Wii U use?

2TB. At this price you get the biggest hard drive the Wii U can still use, plus it has an external power supply. This Seagate drive is the closest you’ll get to Nintendo’s exact recommendations and you’re doubling your hard drive size for $25. There is a Seagate 1 TB version, but it’s only $8 less than this one.

Can you run Wii U games from USB?

Yes. Games and other content downloaded from Nintendo eShop on Wii U can be saved directly to a USB storage device. In fact, when a USB device is connected, the system will automatically download to the USB device. You can organise data to transfer content between the Wii U system memory and external USB storage media.