How many movies has Nick Cassavetes directed?


Year Film
2006 Alpha Dog
2009 My Sister’s Keeper
2012 Yellow
2014 The Other Woman

What is Cassavetes best movie?

John Cassavetes movies: 12 greatest films ranked from worst to…

  1. A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE (1974) Writer/Director: John Cassavetes.
  2. FACES (1968) Writer/Director: John Cassavetes.
  3. ROSEMARY’S BABY (1968)
  4. SHADOWS (1959)
  5. GLORIA (1980)
  6. LOVE STREAMS (1984)
  7. THE DIRTY DOZEN (1967)
  8. OPENING NIGHT (1977)

How tall is Nick Cassavetes?

6′ 6″Nick Cassavetes / Height

Is John Q based on a true story?

According to a report by, there is no real John Q. However, in the film’s commentary track between the director Nick and James Kearnes, the writer of the movie, they were told by the SWAT team advisors of a similar incident that took place in Toronto in 1998.

Who directed the notebook?

Nick CassavetesThe Notebook / Director

Where should I start with Cassavetes?

Where to begin with John Cassavetes

  • Love Streams (1984)
  • A Woman under the Influence (1974)
  • Opening Night (1977)
  • The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976)

What is Cassavetes famous for?

John Cassavetes, (born December 9, 1929, New York, New York, U.S.—died February 3, 1989, Los Angeles, California), American film director and actor regarded as a pioneer of American cinema verité and as the father of the independent film movement in the United States.

Why does it say for Sasha at the end of John Q?

The message “For Sasha” appears just before the end credits. This refers to Sasha Cassavetes, daughter of director Nick Cassavetes. The movie was shot in a group of provincial government buildings in Toronto, Ontario. Adjacent to filming, is a hospital.