What is the main idea of the mirror poem?
What is the main idea of the mirror poem?
The main theme of “Mirror”, by Sylvia Plath, is self-reflection. The woman in the poem looks to the mirror in an effort to find out who she is, but the mirror only reflects her exact image.
What does the mirror represent in mirror by Sylvia Plath?
Sylvia Plath’s poem, ”Mirror,” symbolizes the troubled self of the woman, especially the woman artist who has to reject the given masks imposed on her by the patriarchal society and see herself as an artist and an individual.
What kind of poem is mirror?
“Mirror” is a personification poem. That is, the poet has given the mirror a first-person voice. So the poem begins: I am silver and exact.
What The mirror said Meaning?
“What the mirror said” depicts Clifton standing in front of a mirror and it speaking to her about her body. Full of sass and encouragement, this poem through and through speaks to the perfection and marvel of a woman’s body.
How does mirror important to her?
The mirror is very important for a woman as she ascertains her looks in it. She looks at herself in the mirror often and the mirror says that every morning, the first object that comes in front of it after the dark night is the woman’s face.
What is the tone of the poem mirror?
Tone in “Mirror” by Sylvia Plath In “Mirror” by Sylvia Plath, the speaker is represented as a mirror that reflects the life and actions of another human being. The speaker develops a casually detached tone right from the beginning of the poem, but also portrays an accepting mood by the end of the work.
What kind of topics did Lucille Clifton write about?
Lucille Clifton, original name Thelma Lucille Sayles, (born June 27, 1936, Depew, New York, U.S.—died February 13, 2010, Baltimore, Maryland), American poet whose works examine family life, racism, and gender.
How is the poet love reflected in the mirror?
The poet’s laugh in the mirror shows only his teeth, not his heart or human warmth. The teeth appear like a snake’s fangs. The false laughter could conceal enough poison to kill a person.
What do mirror symbolize?
First of all, we must understand that physically, mirrors reflect light and thus reflect the world around us. Spiritually, light has symbolic attachment to illumination, awareness and wisdom etc. Therefore, in terms of spiritual symbolism, mirrors reflect truth. They reflect what is.