How do you treat a lizard eye infection?

Topical treatment using a suitable antibiotic such as ciprofloxacin usually cures any infection. Uveitis is rarely diagnosed in reptiles although it occurs associated with systemic infectious disease, post hibernation disease (hyphema and hypopyon), trauma and neoplasia.

Can a bearded dragon go blind?

Blind bearded dragon The lizard can be born blind, but the most common reason for blindness is some type of infection or injury to one eye. The blind bearded dragon’s eyesight may be impaired as well, so it can’t see in front of them very well.

Why does my bearded dragon keep closing one eye?

Being that beardies have eyes on either side of their head, closing one eye can help them to focus on a particular object such as prey. If your bearded dragon is closing one eye around feeding time then they are most likely just trying to get a better look at their meal.

How do you get rid of mites in bearded dragons eyes?

Apply olive oil to your bearded dragon’s entire body. Don’t get the oil in its eyes. Leave the oil on for at least 10 or 20 minutes, then thoroughly rinse it off. The oil will smother any mites living on your dragon’s skin.

Why does my bearded dragon have gunk in his eyes?

Eye Discharge in Reptiles If there is something irritating the eye, there may be an overproduction of tears, or the tears may change consistency. The eye has a drainage system called the nasolacrimal duct that brings the tears to the nasal canal.

Why is my bearded dragon’s eye cloudy?

If the cloudiness is on the cornea, this could mean that your water dragon has a bacterial conjunctivitis. Foreign bodies, trauma, nutritional deficiencies or excesses, corneal ulcers or parasites can also result in corneal clouding.

Why won’t my bearded dragon open his eyes?

Your bearded dragon could be sick if it lays a lot, doesn’t eat or drink much and doesn’t open its eyes. This can be caused by wrong living conditions – lighting, heating, humidity, diet, caging and so on. Having eyes closed is often a sign of an illness that is either serious, or has been going on for a long time.

When should I take my bearded dragon to the vet?

How Often Should a Bearded Dragon Visit the Vet? It is recommended that you have your dragon vet checked every 6-12 months. Regular health checks will allow for the early detection of disease and illness.

Why is only one of my bearded dragons eyes open?

Summary. Your beardie will close one eye and leave the other open if foreign objects fall in the eye or the lighting and humidity levels in the enclosure aren’t friendly. Anything can cause this behavior, even some serious ones like eye infections.

Do bearded dragons recognize their owners?

1. They Are Friendly. Beardies recognize and respond to their owners’ voices and touch and are usually even-tempered. They can be great pets for someone who wants a reptile who likes to be held and taken out of his cage.

How do you know if your bearded dragon has mites?

Symptoms of Mites in Bearded Dragons The most obvious symptom of a mite infestation is the appearance of the tiny arthropods on your pet. You’re probably most likely to notice them on the foreparts of the animal (especially around the head, neck and upper torso), but they may appear anywhere.

How do I know if my lizard has mites?

Mites are much smaller and less easy to recognize. They may be seen as very small black or red dots on the animal, often around the eyecaps of snakes, or under the scales. They also may be seen floating in the water, or on the owner after handling the reptile.