What are the methods of conservation of flora and fauna?

Protection of the wildlife habitat can be done through ex-situ and in-situ conservation by establishing National Parks, Sanctuaries, and Reserve Forests etc. These networks of protected areas cover most of the representative habitat types in the country and provide protection to both wild species of plants and animals.

How can we conserve flora and fauna in India?


  1. The Indian wildlife protection act implemented in 1972.
  2. Desired control on deforestation.
  3. Implementing afforestation programs.
  4. Giving legal support to animals.
  5. Ban on hunting , poaching and deforestation.
  6. Awareness programs for conservation.

When both flora and fauna are conserved?

National parks are meant for the in situ conservation of both flora and fauna. Cultivation, grazing, forestry and habitat manipulation by humans are not permitted in National parks.

Why is flora and fauna conserved?

The main use is to preserve wild life, flora and fauna in their natural forms. This reserves help us to maintain the environmental, economic and social sustainability of the region by encouraging the proper use of natural and human resources.

What methods of conservation have been adopted by Indian government?

The important methods adopted for conservation of wildlife in India are described below:

  • Habitat management:
  • Establishment of protected area:
  • Rehabilitation of Endangered species:
  • Captive breeding programme:
  • Mass education:
  • Promulgation of laws:

How can we conserve the fauna of India?

How You Can Help Save India’s Endangered Wildlife

  1. Donate your time. Volunteering can be one of the most important ways of changing the status quo for endangered species.
  2. Do your homework.
  3. Buy responsibly.
  4. Be environmentally conscientious.
  5. Speak up.
  6. Donate money.

What step have been taken by the government for the conservation of flora and fauna?

1)For Prevention of illegal trade and haunting of the wildlife ” wildlife crime control bureau is established. 2) Government ban the hunting of endangered species of the animals . 3) Central government also empowered the CBI in order to deal with the illegal hunters and men involving in it.

How can we protect and conserve plants and animals?

Top 10 ways to save wildlife

  1. Adopt. From wild animals to wild places, there’s an option for everyone.
  2. Volunteer. If you don’t have money to give, donate your time.
  3. Visit. Zoos, aquariums, national parks and wildlife refuges are all home to wild animals.
  4. Donate.
  5. Speak Up.
  6. Buy Responsibly.
  7. Pitch In.
  8. Recycle.

Is flora conserved in wildlife sanctuary?

– Hence, the flora and fauna are conserved and hunting is prohibited. Additional Information: – Wildlife sanctuary is also known as a natural reserve, wildlife refuge, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserve or bio reserve, natural or nature preserve, or nature conservation area.

How can we conserve flora and fauna in extinction?

Here are someways to accomplish this.

  1. Educate your family about endangered species in your area.
  2. Recycle and buy sustainable products.
  3. Reduce your water consumption.
  4. Reduce your personal footprint.
  5. Do not buy plastic products.
  6. Pressure your civil servants.
  7. Volunteer your time to protect the wildlife in your area.

How can we conserve fauna?

Wildlife can be conserved by:

  1. Developing protective areas such as national parks, wildlife sanctuaries to protect the animals in their natural habitat.
  2. The endangered and vulnerable species can be kept in captivity in places such as zoos and bred to increase their population.